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ET RELEVÉS MISCELLANEOUS | BLANQUETTE | back to listing | | | | | Veau ou Agneau à l'ancienne
| Veal or lamb from the shouder or tendrons
cut into pieces , blanched , cool and strain ,Then cook with white stock , add carrots , onions , bunch of herbs , prepare a white
roux and moisten with the stock of the veal , when well boiled , finish the sauce with yolks
of eggs and cream , strain the pieces of veal , place in the sauce , add small onions and mushrooms , chopped parsley . |  | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
ET RELEVÉS MISCELLANEOUS | CAPILOTADE | back to listing | | | | | | Pieces of chicken trimmed and warmed in half-glaze sauce mixed with braised onions and mushrooms
, served in terrine , chopped parsley . | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| back to listing | | | | | | Scallops of beef tossed in butter or lard nicely browned , then cooked
in a Saute Dish with finely chopped onions , drop of beer and brown stock mixed with brown roux , add little demerara sugar , cook in the oven for three hours . |  | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
ET RELEVÉS MISCELLANEOUS | CASSOULET | back to listing | | | | | | 1st _ Haricots beans cooked with onions , carrots , garlic , bunch of herbs
, fresh pork rind , blanched and tied together , when half cooked add
a piece of the breast of pork and a garlic sausage . 2nd _ Cut into squares shoulder of mutton
or goose , fry slowly with chopped onions and garlic , moisren with the bean stock , cook
, garnish dish or cocotte with alternate layers of mutton or ggose , beans , bacon cut into dice , and large
sausage , sprinkle with crumbs , annd browned in the oven . |  | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
ET RELEVÉS MISCELLANEOUS | CHOESEL | back to listing | | | | | | Oxtails cut in small lenths and sweatbreads partky cooked in hot fat until nicely browned , add piece of veal , chopped onions , and pieces of beef kidneys , moisten with beer , salt , pepper , bunch of herbs
, cook slowly , when nearly done add some sheeps'
trotters and mushrooms . Thicken the stock with arrow-root
and a little Madeira . | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| back to listing | | | | | | Pieces
of hare , lightly fried in butter with onions and minced carrots , add flour , moisten
with red wine and brown stock , garlic , and a bunch of herbs , when cooked
put the pieces of hare into another saucepan , add small braised onions
, dice of bacon , mushrooms and strain the sauce on the top , before serving thicken the sauce
with the blood of the hare | 
Civet of venison
| Civet
Mère Jean :
| __
Same as Civet , with cream , serve with bread fried in oil , and Cèpes à
la Provençale . | |  |  | Civet of rabbit or hare
| | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
, CURRIE CURRY | back to listing | | | | | | Lamb
or Mutton cut in square , nicely browned in butter with chopped onions , add dice of apples
, moisten with Curry sauce and coconut milk , cook and serve in timbale with plain boiled rice . |  | | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
(2) | back to listing | | | | | Avignonnaise :
| __ Squares of leg of mutton larded with strips of far bacon ,
put in a pickle of red wine , oil , sliced carrots and onions , garlic , parsley roots , thyme ,
bay leaves , garnish the bottom and sides of a braising pan with slice of bacon
, place the mutton in layers alternately with onions and bacon , sprinkle with thyme
and bay leaf on each layer , bunch of herbs in centre ,
moisten with the pickle and brown stock , cover with slices of bacon and seal the lid round with a soft paste to
keep the steamin , place in the oven and ccok gently for five hours
. Serve in a braising
pan . | 
Daube of Mutton
| Provençale
| __ Pieces of beef larded
through with a piece of fat bacon rolled in chopped parsley and crushed garlic ,
pickle with white wine and brandy , oil to be cooked in a braising
pan , with alternate layers of pieces of beef and fresh pork rind and blanched bacon , carrots , chopped onions , thyme
, bay leaf , tomatoes , mushrooms , stoned black olives and a bunch of herbs , containing dried orange peel
, moisten with the pickle , and lemon juice , lid to be sealed with paste , serve
in a Daubiere pan . | 
Daube of Beef
| ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| back to listing | | | | | | Fry with onions some pieces of beef ,, add
a piece of garlic and little flour , moisten with red wine and brown stock , bunch of herbs , cook 3 hours , place the pieces in another pan
, add some sliced mushrooms , strain the
sauce over , and let simmer for 15 minutes
Nota : Can also be done with white wine , tomatoes and olives (same name as Provencale )
. Meat can be larded .. |  | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
back to listing | | | | | Aspic (en) :
| __(cold) (See preparation in FONDS DE CUISINE )
|  | Caisses (en) :
| __Large dice of foie gras and truffles , mix lightly with Madeira sauce , serve in cases , place a scallop of foie gras and a slice of truffle on the scallop . | 
(whole) Lobe | Cocotte (en) :
| __Stud with truffles , fry lightly in butter , add wine sauce , essence of truffles and veal stock
, place in a terrine , with the stock , seal the lid with paste , cook for an hour , serve with Madeira sauce and truffles . | Côtelettes, Croquettes et Cromesquis: | __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES)
Terrine | Escalopes (en): | __Floured , sauteed , garnished with Talleyrand , Godard , Régence , etc . | Financière :
| __Stud with truffles , lard , cook in Madeira sauce and braising stock , serve with Financière garnish . | Gastronome :
| __(cold) Trim a foie gras parfait in the shape of an astrich egg , cover with paprika
Chaud-Froid sauce , decorate according to fancy , and glaze with aspic
, place on a crust shaped like a cushion , cover with chaud-froid of a different colour
, surrounded with truffles cooked in Madeira , glaze a lot with aspic . | Mousses et Mousselines :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES)
| | Paprika :
| __Same way as FINANCIERE ▲ . Cover with Hongroise sauce (can be served cold in a terrine) . |  | Parfait :
| __Can be obtained all prepared in a store . | Périgord :
| __Stud with truffles , season , pickle with truffles , bay leaf and fine champagne , lard and braise same way as FINANCIERE▲ , take out when three parts cooked , put back in tureen with truffles
all round , strain the stock , thinned with veal gravy ,
seal lid with paste and cook another 20 minutes , serve in terrine . | Rachel
| __Round scallops , dressed on a mousse of foie gras and place round a Rachel salad on the top , place a small bunch of asparagus tips , glaze the lot with aspic . | | Sainte-Alliance :
| __In a tureen surrounded with large truffles , moisten with champagne (dry) , poach and serve in terrine
. | 
Torchon (cloth)
| Soufflé
| __(See preparation in SAVOURIES)
| Souvaroff :
| __Stud with truffles and lard , poach in butter and Madeira , take out
the larding , place in terrine with truffles , strain on it the braising stock thinned
with Madeira , seal lid with paste and serve in terrine . | Subrics
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES)
| Timbale Alsacienne :
| __In scallops , sauteed , garnish Alsacienne(B) .
| Timbale Cussy :
| __In scallops , sauteed , and Cussy garnish . | | Timbale Tzarine :
| __Line a timbale mould with short paste cover the inside with larding bacon , place in the center a raw seasoned foie gras surrounded
with stuffed quails and large truffles , cover the whole with a round slice of fat bacon
and close with paste , cook 1 1/2 hour , on withdrawing from the oven when partly cold
pour into the timbale good Madeira aspic jelly . | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
ET RELEVÉS MISCELLANEOUS | FRICASSEE | back to listing | | | | | | Same way as blanquette , but the garnish is cooked with the meal .
| | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| back to listing | | | |  | Goulash :
| __ ( Recipe from the land of origin) Cubes of beef , chopped onions , garlic , paprika , smoked bacon , water put in a stew pan and cook slowly , garnish with
boiled potatoes . | Hongroise :
| __Pieces of ribs or shoulder of beef , season with pink paprika and fried with onions , add flour moisten
with brown stock , add dice of tomatoes and a little tomatoe puree , cook 2 & 1/2 hours
, when nearly done add some shaped potatoes and serve when cooked . | Tolstoï :
| __Pieces of ends of fillet of beef , season wit salt and paprika , moisten with tomato
sauce , add chopped onion partly cooked in butter and pieces of argousis* , thin with white stock , cook 1/2 hour , serve in timbale with large patatoes , noisette shapes and steamed . |
| | | Goulash'
Stewed Soup
| ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
RAGOUT (3) | back to listing | | | | | | Cooking process
Pieces of breast , neck and shoulder
of mutton and fried with carrots , onions until nicely browned , add a
little flour , moisten with thinstock of water , tomato puree , garlic
, bunch of herbs , cook about 1&1/2 hour , when
cook transfer the pieces to another pan , add small onions and shaped potaoes ,
strain the sauce on the lot , finish cooking
, serve in timbale . | | | | | Haricots
de mouton :
| __Same process as above , but with haricot beans instead of onions and potatoes . |  | Navarin
Printanier :
| __Same process with carrots , turnips , onions and potatoes tossed in butter , dish up in timbale
with French beans and peas . |  | Ragoût de Mouton au Riz : | __Same process with rice instead of vegetables . | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
ET RELEVÉS MISCELLANEOUS | IRISH STEW | back to listing | | | | | | Cut the mutton in pieces same as the Navarin , blanch , drain , put
to cook with potatoes , celery and whites of leeks , add a bunch of herbs , when
nearly done , transfer the meat into another pan , add
small onions and shaped potatoes , strain the liquor and pour over the meat ,
finish cooking , serve very hot with chopped parsley . |  | | | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| back to listing | | | | | | 1st _ Line a braising pan
with pieces of bacon , place a hare in it , add carrots
, 4 onions stuck with cloves , 20 cloves of garlic , 40 shallots, bunch of herbs , moisten
with 1/2 bottle of red wine and a little vinegar , braise in oven
for 5 hours . 2nd _ Then prepare a mince with the heart , lung and liver , 10 cloves of garlic and chopped shallots , take out hare and pick the meat
, mix the minced preparation with the braising stock and add the other bottle of wine
, strain and pour over the pieces of hare , braise another
2 hours , mix the blood at the last , before serving . | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
back to listing | | | | | | Are thin slices of veal
, seasoned and covered with forcemeat , rolled and tied to keep in shape . |  | Algérienne :
| __Stuffed with forcemeat (godiveau) , mixed with chopped pimentos , braise , serve with Algérienne garnish , tomato sauce with julienne of green pimentos . | Anversoise :
| __Stuffed with chicken forcemeat , and Anversoise garnish , tomato sauce . | Belle-Hélène
| __Stuffed with forcemeat (godiveau) , braised , dish up and garnish the centre with croquettes
made with asparagus tips , slices of truffles on each paupiette , cover with thickened Gravy . | Brabançonne :
| __Stuffed with forcemeat (godiveau) , braise , garnish Brabançonne , thickened Gravy . | | Champignons :
| __Stuffed with chicken forcemeat mixed with dry duxelles , braaise , garnish , mushroom sauce . | | Fontanges :
| __Stuffed with forcemeat (godiveau) , braise , dish up , and fill centre with haricot bean puree , surround with flat croquette potatoes . | | Hussarde :
| __Stuffed with forcemeat (godiveau) , braise , garnish with tomatoes à la Hussarde , Duchesse potatoes on each paupiette , serve with braizing stock . | | Loose Wiken :
| __(Beef) . Stuffed with sausage meat , cooked same way as Carbonnades . | | Madeleine :
| __Stuffed with chicken forcemeat , braise , garnish Madeleine , serve with Half-glaze mixed with braising liquor . | | Marie-Louise :
| __Same preparation with Marie-Louise garnish (A etB) .
| | Milanaise :
| __ With garnish of the same name .
| | Napolitaine :
| __ With garnish of the same name .
| | Portuguaise :
| __ With garnish of the same name . | | Provençale :
| __ With garnish of the same name . | | Renaissance :
| __ With garnish of the same name . | | ______________
back to listing | | | | | Beefsteak Pie :
| __Scallops of beef , season , salt and pepper , nutmeg , add chopped onion and parsley, place round in bottom of a pie dish , fill inside with shaped potatoes ,
moisten with water , cover with puff paste , egg wash , decorate and cook in oven 2 hours .
|  | Beefsteak and Kidney Pie :
| __Same as above with kidneys instead of potatoes . | Beefsteak Pudding :
| __Same way as for pies , make a pudding paste ; 1 lb flour and 1/2 lb suet , salt and water , line a pudding bowl , fill with the
meat , moisten with good stock , cover with paste wrapped in serviette and boil 3 or 4 hours . |  | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| back to listing | | | | | | Lamb and Veal | | Aubergines :
| __ PIECES of veal or lamb fried in butter with chopped onions and garlic , add white wine
, brown sauce and tomatoes , bunch of herbs , cookinoven for 1 hour 1/2 ,
served in timbale surrounded with slices of fried eggplant .
|  | Catalane
| __Same way as above , add tomatoes cut in quarters , cooked chestnuts , chipolatas , and stoned olives | Champignons :
| | Chasseur :
| | Fines-Herbes :
| __Same as AUBERGINES▲ without the garnish , chopped parsley .
| | Indienne :
| __Fry the pieces in oil , add curry powder and moisten with thin Curry sauce , serve with plain boiled rice .
| | Marengo
| __Same process as SAUTE AUX AUBERGINES▲ ; the pieces fried in oil , add dice of tomatoes , small glazed onions , mushrooms , and heart shaped croutons . | | Minute Diable :
| __Small pieces of veal from the cushion , season salt and pepper , tossed quickly in butter ,strain , mix with Devil sauce . Croutons . | | Minute
Hongroise :
| __Same as above , season with salt and paprika , thicken with Paprika sauce .
| | Niçoise :
| __Same as MARENGO ▲ . Add Niçoise garnish .
| | Nouilles, Spaghettis, etc .. :
| __Same process as SAUTE AUX AUBERGINES ▲ , only add noodles , spaghettis , etc .. instead of eggplant . | | Oranaise :
| __Same as MARENGO ▲ . with dice of tomatoes , shaped brionnes , blanched and tossed in butter , simmer 15 minutes ,
serve in timbale , surround with rounds of fried onions .
| | Printaniere
| __Same process as AUBERGINES ▲ . with Printanière garnish | | Portuguaise :
| __Same as MARENGO ▲ . with dice of tomatoes .
| | Provençale : | __Same as PORTUGAISE ▲ . with stoned
olives and garlic .
| | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| __ (Prepaation) . Skin and bone a fowlofgame , season the fillets , marinade
with tongue , truffles , lardons , pista jios , brandy and Madeira , prepare
a forcemeat with the rest of the meat , veal or pork and lard , season with salt and mixed spices , add he marinade , spread the skin of the bird
on a cloth , place a layer of forcemeat , alternately
with lardons , tongue , truffles and fillets
, sprinkle with pistachios , finish with a layer of forcemeat
, wrapped in bacon fat , roll in the shape of a big sausage , boil
90 minutes in a good stock , put to cool under press .
|  | PATES :
| __ (Preparation) Paste : 1 lb of flour
, 4 oz butter salt and water , line a mould with paste ,
garnish bottom and sides with forcemeat , place a layer of scallops of the meat alternately with lardons until full
, cover with slices of fat bacon and place paste on top , egg wash , decorate with remaining
paste and bake . |  | TERRINE
| _ Prepare same way as for the pate ,
put in terrine lined with bacon , seal the lid round with paste and cook in a bain-marie in
the oven . | | | | back to top | | | _____________________________
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