_______________ | | | ENTRÉES OFFAL or Variety Meats | ABATIS
* | back to listing | | | Bourguignonne
| __Fry in butter with chopped onions , add little flour , moisten with 1/2 red
wine , 1/2 consommé blanc . Add bunch of herbs , garnish with dice of bacon , mushrooms and small
onions .
|  | Chipolatas
| __Same as above with white wine and garnish with Chipolatas . | Giblets :
| __Fry the giblets in butter , place them in a pie dish . moisten with consommé , cover with puff paste , cook in oven .
| Légumes Nouveaux (aux) :
| __Toss in butter with chopped onion , add a little flour moisten with white consommé , cook with carrots and turnips previously tossed in butter , when nearly done add French beans and green peas .
| _______________ | | | ENTRÉES OFFAL or Variety Meats | AMOURETTES * | back to listing | | | | | | | (or
Marrow bones of Ox or Calves)
the Amourettes same as CERVELLES - Brain)
| |  | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES OFFAL or Variety Meats
| ANDOUILLES * & ANDOUILLETTES * CHITTERLINGS | back to listing | | | | | 
Andouillette de Troyes | | ( Are served grilled) | |  | |  | Andouillle de Vire
| | Andouille de Guéméné
| _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | BOUDINS BLANCS * & NOIRS * BLACK & WHITE PUDDINGS | back to listing | | | | (Are served grilled) | |  |  | |  |
| Blood Sausage | Blood Sausage with Apples | | Veal
White Sausage
| Veal
White Sausage with Prunes | Grilled Veal
White Sausages |
| _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | BOUDINS DE VOLAILLE (8) | back to listing | | | PREPARATION Large
quenelles : made with
chicken forcement , stuffed with salpicon , poached , egg
and bread crumbs tossed in clarified butter and fried in deep fat . |  | Corigneaux :
| __Stuff with salpicon of mushrooms , mixed with Allemande sauce , fried in clarified butter , dress in a circle , garnish with cockcombs dipped in butter and
fried , served with tomato sauce . | Ecossaise :
| __Stuff with salpicon of tongues , mixed with half-glaze , fried in butter , dished up alternately with sliced of tongue . Serve
Ecossaise sauce mixed with Mirepoix . | | Ecarlate :
| __Same Preparation as above. (
on the side) : Sauce Suprême , with julienne of tongue added . | | Estragon :
| __Stuff with chopped tarragon leaves , poached and covered with tarragon velouté .
| | Morland :
| __Dip the quenelles in egg and roll them in chopped truffles , fry in butter . dish up and garnish center with mushroom puree , serve with Suprême sauce . | | Richelieu :
| __Stuff with salpicon of truffles , chicken and mushrooms , fry and serve with Périgueux sauce . | | Soubise :
| __Stuff with Soubise puree , prepare sauce same way as Richelieu ▲ , serve with Soubise sauce . | | Uzès :
| __Poach , cover with Aurore sauce , mixed with julienne of truffles .
| | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | CERVELLES (25) BRAINS
| back to listing | | | | | Beurre
Noir ou Noisette :
| __.Poach and slice the brains , season , chopped parsley , drop of
vinegar , cook the butter until slightly black or nut brown and pour over brains . | 
Calves' Brain | Bourguignonne :
| __Poach . Dress with garnish and Bourguignonne sauce .
| Coquilles Gratin :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES) . Cover with Duxelles sauce and breadcrumbs , place in the oven to be browned .
| Parisienne :
| __Cover with Suprême sauce , mixed with slices of mushrooms , decorate with truffle and mushroom head .
| Cromesquis à la Française :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES ) . Salpicon made of truffles , brains and mushrooms , mixed with Allemande sauce , shaped in small squares , dip in batter and fry in deep fat . Serve with Périgueux sauce . | Cromesquis à la Polonaise :
| __Salpicon of cèpes or mushrooms , truffles , brains , mixed with Espagnole sauce , shape them , wrap in a thin unsweetened pancake , dipped in batter and fried . Serve with Herb sauce . | | Cromesquis à la Russe :
| __Prepared same as above ,
wrapped in pig's caul , dip in batter and fried . Served with Duxelles sauce . | | Croquettes :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES )
| | Croûtes :
| __Cur in scallops dressed in hollowed croutons , sprinkled with grated cheese , then browned . | | Fritôt :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES ) | | Frite à l'Anglaise :
| __Egg and bread crumb the brains , fry in deep fat . Serve with tomato sauce ,
and fried parsley leaves . | | Financiere :
| __Poach , dress on toast , garnish with Financière , covered with Madeira sauce flavoured with essence of truffles .
| | Italienne :
| __Scalopped raw , floured , fried in oil and butter , dress in a circle , fill center with Italian sauce .
| | Matelote (en) :
| __Poached in red wine , garnish with BOURGUIGNONNE .
| | Mazagran (en) :
| __Border made with Duchesse potatoes . Garnish with truffles , brains scalloped and mushroom heads ,
mixed with Suprême sauce , cover with a thin layer of potato Duchesse , egg wash and brownedmin oven
. Served surrounded with tomato sauce and grilled chipolatas .
| | Montrouge :
| __Scalloped . Dress in a thin crust , garnish with minced mushrooms , with a little
cream , cover with Mornay sauce and glaze .
| | Mousseline :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES )
| | Poulette :
| __Dress in timbale , cover with Poulette sauce .
| | Ravigote :
| __Scalloped , dress in timbale , cover wit Ravigote sauce .
| | Soufflé :
| __Bechamel sauce , mixed with puree of brains and yolk of eggs , then whip white of eggs
to a stiff froth , mix altogether , cook in a souffle dish .
| | Subrics: | __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES )
| | Timbale Ecossaise :
| __In dariole moulds , decorate the inside with tongues , then place forcemeat round the inside , fill the interior with salpicon of tongues and brains mixed with Suprême sauce , then cover wit forcemeat , poached and dish up with Ecossaise sauce . | | Timbale Napolitaine :
| __In dariole moulds , line the inside with cooked
macaronis , garnish interior with with salpicon of mushrooms and brains , mixed
with tomato half-glaze , cover with forcemeat , poach . Served with tomato sauce and half-glaze . Finish same as Ecossaise . | | Timbale Villeneuve :
| __In oval moulds , buttered and sprinkled with chopped
parsley , coated with chicken forcemeat , garnish with salpicon of brains and truffles mixed with Supreme sauce . Finish same as Ecossaise ▲ . Serve with Soubise sauce mixed with cream . | | Villeroy :
| __In scallops , covered with Villeroy sauce , egg and bread crumbs , fry in deep fat . Served with Périgueux sauce .Escaloper . | | | | | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | FOIE (17)
| back to listing | | | |  | Anglaise (à
l') :
| __Cut in slices , grilled , dressed alternately with grilled rashers of bacon . | Bercy :
| __cut in slices , grilled , covered with Bercy sauce .
| Bordelaise :
| __Whole , larded , fried in butter , wrapped in pig's caul with onions , shallots , mushrooms , moistened with white wine
, and Half-glaze , braise in the oven , garnish with sauted cèpes a la Bordelaise .
| Bourgeoise :
| __Whole , larded ,braise same way as PIECE DE BOEUF BOURGEOISE .
| Brochette
(en) :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES ) Made with liver cut in squares . mushrooms , and blanched salted pork , cover with a well
thickened Duxelles , egg and bread crumbs , grilled , serve with either Duxelles , Italienne , Beurre Maitre d'Hotel sauce . | | Espagnole :
| __Cut in slices , grill , garnish with grilled tomatoes , round of onions fried in oil , fried parsley .
| | Fines herbes : | __Cut in slices , fry in butter , serve with Parsley sauce . | | Frit :
| __Cut in thin slices , egg and bread crumbs , fry and dish up with fried parsley .
| | Italienne :
| __In slices fried in oil , served with Italienne sauce . | | Lyonnaise :
| __Cut in slices , fry , dress in a circle , garnish center with sliced onions , cooked in butter , add
a drop of vinegar .
| | Provençale :
| __Same as ITALIENNE ▲ Serve with Provençale sauce .
| | Quenelles Alsaciennes :
| __1/2 chicken and 1/2 veal liver , chopped fine and
mixed with a little cooked onion , chopped parsley , egg , add salt pepper and nutmeg , shape with a soup spoon
, poached . Serve with Maitre d'Hotel butter .
| | Quenelles Viennoises :
| __Prepare same way as above with chopped fennels
| | Raisins (aux) :
| __In slices , fry in butter , rince pan with vinegar , add a little brown sugar and Half-glaze , dish up the liver , sprinkle with currants and sultanas and cover with the sauce .
| | Rizotto :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES )
| | Soufflé :
| __Same way as CERVELLES SOUFFLE with liver puree instead of brain puree . | | Sous la Cendre :
| __Larded , season same way as BOEUF A LA MODE , cover with Duxelles , wrapped in a paste , same as COULIBIAC ( salmon) cook in the oven , basting
with Half-glaze , put through hole made in the paste , serve with Madeira sauce . | | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | FRAISE (5)
| back to listing | | | Strawberry calf
is the membrane that surrounds the small intestine of
the calf. Its protibérances give
the appearance of red fruit, strawberry named,
that is why this piece is so named. CCOOKING PROCESS ( Cook in blanc , serve well done and very hot
) |  | Frite :
| __Cut in pieces , egg and bread crumbs , fry in deep fat , serve with Devil sauce . | Lyonnaise :
| __Toss in smoking oil , and finish same as VEAU A LA LYONNAISE . | | Poulette :
| __Cut in shreds and mix with a Poulette sauce , dress in timbale .
| | Ravigote: | __Dress in timbale , serve Ravigote sauce .
| | Vinaigrette :
| __Dress in timbale , serve with Vinaigrette sauce . | | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | GAYETTES OU CAILLETTES * FAGGOTS | back to listing | | | | Abomasum digestive organ is the most developed in the newborn ruminant
. It is so named because the power of the
newborn is mainly composed of milk, and therefore gives degradation curds. When feeding the calf (or other small animals) is depleted milk, curd becomes relatively less developed
in favor of pre-ruminant stomachs.
the abomasum, rennet is produced which is used to make cheese. |
| | (Are generally served grilled) | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES OFFAL or Variety Meats
| back to listing | | | | | Civet :
| __Cut in cubes , season , toss with mirepoix in butter , add little flour , moisten with 1/2 red wine and 1/2
fonds brun , add faggot of herbs and garlic , braze , garnish with dice of bacon , mushrooms and
small glazed onions . Serve in timbale .
|  | Cantinière :
| __Same as above with wetting white wine and fonds blanc.
| Tripière :
| __Even with wetting water preparation and packing onions
and apple wedges, herbs, touch of garlic.
Bake. | | | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | OREILLES (10)
| back to listing | | | Veal
& Pork
| | Farcies :
| __Caves' ears . Blanch , stuff with sausage meat
, wrap in a cloth , poach in white stock . Serve with reduced braising liquor .
Braised Pig's ear
| Frites
| __Caves' ears . Blanch , braise in Madeira
, cutin shreds , dip in batter and fry deep fat . Serve with tomato sauce and fried parsley . | Froides
| __Caves' ears . Blanch , braise , coat with clarified
braising liquor . (Serve cold) . | Grillées :
| __Calves' ears . Blanch , braise , cut
in halves lengthways , spread with mustard , butter and crumbs , grilled , serve with Diable sauce . | Italienne :
| __Calves' ears . Blanch and braise , coat with Italienne sauce .
| Naturel :
| __Pigs' ears . Blanch , Poach in salt water , garnish with braised
cabbage , choucroute or any vegetable purée | Rouennaise :
| __(Pork) Cook as above , remove the meat part , chop and simmer in Madeira sauce , cool , mix with sausage meat and chopped parsley , shape in small balls , place the balls on the other part
of the ears , wrap in pig's caul and grill . Serve with Madeira sauce . | | Sainte_Ménéhould :
| __(pork) Cook as above , cut in halves , butter and crombs , grill . | | Tortue
| __Calves' ears . Blanch and braise . Garnish and
Turtle sauce .
| | Toulousaine :
| __Same preparation as above with Toulousaine garnish .
| | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| back to listing | | |
After disgorge the palace of
beef in cold water, boil it a few minutes with plenty of water, drain, cool and remove the skin. Put baking in
white (water and flour) very light and bake
slowly for about 4 hours. | | | | | Attereaux :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES ) | | Dunoise :
| __Cut in squares , butter and crumbs , grill . Serve with Rémoulade sauce . | | Cromesquis & Croquettes :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES ) | | Gratin :
| __Cut in large julienne , dress in border of Duchesse potatoes , cover with Duxelles sauce , set to gratin .
| | Italienne :
| __Cook in butter , dish up in a circle , coat with Italienne sauce . | | Paupiettes (en) :
| | Poulette :
| __Dress in timbale , coat with Poilette sauce . En timbale . Napper sauce Poulette .
| | Paysanne :
| __Cut in squares , cook in butter , garnish with Vegetables , coat with Madeira sauce .
| | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | PIEDS (11) FEET
| back to listing | | | Mutton , Pork , Veal COKING PROCESS Are cooked in a blanc , with the exception of pork feet which are cooked in an Aromates
stock . | 
Pig's feet | Blanquettes
(en) :
| __(Mutton) Same as BLANQUETTE DE VEAU .
| Custine
| __(Veal ) Blanch , braise ,
cut in small dice , mix with reduced Duxelles with minced mushrooms added , cool , divide in squares , wrap in pig's caul , cook in
oven . Serve Half-glaze . | Frits :
| __(Veal or Mutton)
Blanch , cook in a blanc , bone , egg and bread crumbs , fry in deep fat , serve with tomato sauce and fried parsley .
Braised Pig's feet | Fritôt :
| __(Veal and Mutton
) Same process as Fritôt de Volaille .
| Grillés :
| __(Veal and Mutton)
Cook , roll in butter and crumbs , grill , serve with Diable sauce . | Poulette :
| __(Veal and Mutton)
Cook , bone , dress in timbale , coat with Poulette sauce , chopped parsley .
Calves' foot | Rouennaise
| __(Veal and Mutton)
Same preparation as OREILLES DE PORC .
| Sainte-Ménéhould : | __(Pork) Cook , bread
crumbs and grill . | Tortue :
| __(Veal) (See TETE DE VEAU TORTUE )
| Truffés
| __(Pork) Braise , bone , cur in
small cubes , add truffles in dice , thicken with braising stock , cool , divide in small balls
, wrap in pork forcemeat , mix with chopped truffles , and place in pig's caul . Cook in butter , dress in
a circle , serve with Madeira sauce . | Tyrolienne :
| __(Veal and Mutton) Chopped onions
cooked in butter , with dice of tomatoes , seasoned , add garlic and chopped parsley and Poivrade sauce , simmer for 10 minutes with bones calvesfoot , dress in a timbale .
| Vinaigrette
: | __Blanch , cooked in a blanc , serve very hot with Vinaigrette sauce separate .. | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | QUEUE DE BOEUF (11)
| back to listing | | | | | Auvergnate
| __Cut in section , braised in white wine , garnish with large dice of bacon , braised chestnuts and glazed Onions , cover with braising stock .
Section of Oxtail | Cavour :
| __In sectiions , braise with brown stock and white wine , place in a cocotte , and add the braising stock , strain and thicken . Serve with chestnut puree | Charolaise :
| __Same way as above , garnish with carrots and turnip shaped and cooked , also poached quenelles made of pork forcemeat , dressed in a Duchesse potato bordered with lardons round the dish
| Chipolata :
| __Same process with chipolata garnish .
| Daube :
| __Same process , garnish with small onions , dice of bacon , and julienne of calves' foot .
| farcie :
| __Large Ox-tail , boned without spoiling the meat , stuff with forcemeat made of lean beef and fat bacon , bread crumbs soaked in milk , then well pressed
, eggs , chopped truffles , salt and spices , wrap same way as the galantine , cook 3 hours in salt water , and finish in a braising stock , basting occasionally to glaze
the meat , garnish with puree of vegetables . | Grillées
| __Cut in section , twice the usual length , cook in a stock pot for 4 to 5 hoursm, then cool , spread with mustard , buttered
and bread crumbs , grilled , served with Devil sauce . | | Hochepot :
| __Cut in pieces , and cook with two feet and ears of pork , when half done , add shaped carrots and turnips , small
onions and small cabbages , dish the pieces in a circle and garnish center with the vegetables , surround with chipolatas
, and the ears cut in julienne . | | Nohant :
| __Cut in pieces same way as for CAVOUR ▲ , dressed ina circle , garnish center with Macedoine of vegetables , surround with glazed lamb sweetbreads (ris d'agneau) , alternately with dice of tongue . | | Paysanne :
| __Cut in pieces , partly fry with vegetables mirepoix , dice of pork rind , and raw ham , sprinkle a little flour , moisten
with red wine and white stock , when nearly done , remove the pieces into another pan , add carrots , turnips and small onions fried in butter ,
also new potatoes . Strain the stock over the lot , and finish cooking , serve in casserole
. | | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | ROGNONS (32)
| back to listing | | | Beef
, Lamb , Mutton , Pork , Veal
| | Américaine :
| __Grill , dress on half grilled tomato , surrounded with grilled rashers of bacon , nut brown (noisette) butter .
Lamb's Kidneys | Bercy :
| __Cut in slices , tossed in butter , seasoned , dished in timbale , cover with Bercy sauce . | Berrichonne :
| __Cut in halves , toss in butter , add Bordelaise sauce , garnish with dice of bacon , small glazed onions , sliced mushrooms , dress on toast
, cover with the sauce , surround with the garnish and chopped parsley . | Bonne-Femme :
| __Veal kidney in slices , cooked in a casserole with bacon , glazed
onions , potatoes , bunch of herbs , white wine , dish up and surround with the garnish . | Bordelaise :
| __Cut in slices , tossed inbutter , add Bordelaise sauce , mixed with dice of marrow and minced mushrooms or cèpes . Dish in timbale , chopped parsley . |
| Brochette
| __Split the kidneys in halves without separating them , place them through
a skewer , grill , serve Maitre d'hotel butter in the middle . | | Brochette
(en) :
| __(See preparation in ENTREES VOLANTES )
| | Bouchère :
| __In slices , tossed in butter , with chipolatas and squares of fillet of beef , add Madeira sauce , dish in timbale , and chopped parsley . | | Carvalho : | __Cut in halves , tossed in butter , add Madeira sauce , dress on toast , garnish with truffles and sliced mushrooms , cover with the sauce . | | Casserole :
| __Veal kidney wrapped in its suet , cooked in a casserole , add thickened veal gravy (jus) , serve in a casserole . |
| Champignon :
| __Cut in slices , tossed in butter , add tomatoed Half-glaze with mushrooms and chopped shallots . | | Chasseur :
| __Cut in slices , tossed in butter , add Chasseur sauce , dished in timbale , chopped parsley . | | Chipolata
: | __Same as Madeira ▼, with chipolata garnish . | | Chateaubriand :
| __Grill , garnish with watercress , and Château potatoes , served with Chateaubriand sauce . | 
Beef's Kidneys | Curry
| __Tossed in butter , cook with Curry sauce , serve plain ( nature ) boiled rice . | Grillés :
| Henry IV :
| __Grilled . Fill the center with Béarnaise sauce , garnish with fried potatoes (Pont-Neuf) and water-cress . | Japonaise :
| __Grilled , fill one kidney with dice of tomatoes , and alternately fill another with the fried yolk of egg
, garnish with straw (Paille) potatoes and water-cress . | Liégeoise :
| __Same process as CASSEROLE ▲ , set alight with gin . | Louis XIV :
| __Cook en brochette ,dressed on grilled slices of ham , cover with tarragon , thickened
gravy . Garnish with water-cress . | | Madère :
| __Cut in slices , tossed in butter , add Madeira sauce , served in timbale . Can be done with port wine , Xeres , white wine
, etc .. | 
Pig's Kidneys | Marchand de Vins :
| __Tossed in butter , covered with red wine Bercy sauce . | Montpensier :
| __Same as MADERE ▲ , garnish with asparagus tips , noisettes potatoes , decorated with slices of trufles . | Petit-Duc :
| __Grilled , fill center with scraped horse-radish , dress on Anna potatoes surrounded with Château sauce . | Portuguaise :
| __Cut in halves , tossed in butter , add tomatoed Half-glaze , dress in a circle on half tomatoes cooked in oven , garnish
center with dice tomatoes , cover kidneys with the sauce . | Presidence: | __Grilled , fill center with Villeroy sauce , egg and bread crumbs , finish cooking in clarified butter . Dressed in a circle with jardinière garnish in the center . | | Rizot (au) :
| __Sauter comme MADERE ▲ . En bordure de riz pilaw .
| | Robert :
| __Same as EN CASSEROLE ▲ . finish in the dining-room in front of guests , rinse the casserole with Fine
Champagne , set alight , add a little French mustard , lemon juice , chopped parsley butter , and add
sliced kidneys . Mix the lot together and serve immediately . | 
Veal's Kidneys
| Saint Lazare :
| __Same as à la BORDELAISE ▲ . Cut the kidneys in halves lengthways . | Turbigo :
| __Cut in halves , toss in butter , add tomatoes Half-glaze , dress on toast , garnish chipolatas and mushroom
heads , cover with the sauce . | Tyrolienne :
| __Grilled . Fill center with tomatoes cut in dice , garnish with rounds of fried onions . | | Vert-Pré :
| __Grilled , fill center with Maitre d'hotel butter , garnish with water-cress and Straw (paille) potatoes . | | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
| back to listing | | | ( Sausage shape is long and elongated,
and the caul, long and flattened)
|  | Crépinette de Porc :
| __Sausage meat mixed with chopped truffles , wrapped in
pig's caul , shaped like a flat rectangle , grilled gently , dressed in a circle , pour Perigueux sauce in the centre , and serve with mashed potatoes . | Crépinette Cendrillon
| __Wrapped in a oval layer of paste or paper oil , egg wash , and bake 20 minutes . | Crépinette Liègeoise :
| __Cooked in clarified butter , covered with thickened gravy ( jus ) , flavoured with gin or juniper berries. | 
Chipolatas | Saucisses Anglaise :
| __The most well known are those of Cambridge , Chesterfield and Melon served grilled . | Saucisses aux Choux
| __Poached or grilled , served with braised cabbage . | Francfort ou Strasbourg :
| __Place the sausages in cold water and bring to a boil , garnish with braised sauerkraut ( Choucroute ). | Marmelade (à la) :
| __Cooked and served with apple sauce . | Rizot (en) :
| __Cook sausage , rinse pan with white wine and Half-glaze sauce . Dressed on a pilaw rice border . | Vin
Blanc :
| __ Cooked in butter , rinse pan with
little white wine and Half-glaze , dress on long toast , pour sauce over .
| |  | |  | Chorizo
| | de Toulouse
| _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | TETES de PORC de VEAU (5)
* HEADS | back to listing | | | | 
Pork's head
| Tête
de Porc :
| __Is used for the preparation of pork brawn . | Tête de Veau :
| __Boned and cut in pieces , cook in a blanc . The following garnished may
be served : Financière , Godard , Poulette , Tortue , Toulousaine . Suitable sauces may also be served as : Tomato , Vinaigrette
, Ravigote . | Anglaise :
| __Served with boiled bacon , parsley sauce , or brain sauce . | Froide : | __Served with vinaigrette sauce , mixed with
capers , chopped onions and parsley . |
Veal's head | | _______________ | | | ENTRÉES
OFFAL or Variety Meats | TRIPES * & GRAS DOUBLE (3) * TRIPE | back to listing | | | | | Gras Double :
| __Can be done in blanquettes , Bourgeoise , fritot or grilled . (See the different preparation in PIEDS DE MOUTON et de VEAU )
|  | Mode de Caen (à la) : | __Lay on the bottom of a stewing pan , carrots , onions , seasoned and ox feet cut in fair sized
pieces , add the tripe which is comprised of : The paunch , the honey comb bay
, the manilies and the reed , place a bunch of herbs with it , lay the bones
of the feet and slices of beef fat on top , moisten with cider , white wine , and bandy , cook slowly for 10 hours . | Tripons ou Paupiettes :
| __Stuff with forcemeat made of fresh pork combined with dice of ham and chopped parsley , cook in special marmite
with white wine brandy , and white consomme . Cook 6 to 8 hours . | | |
| _____________
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