_______________ | | | COMPOUND BUTTERS | 35 : FROM GARLIC TO TRUFFLE |  | Ail (Garlic) :
| __ Blanched garlic cloves , pounded in mortar with butter , pass through a fine sieve .
| Amandes (Almond) :
| __ Paste made with sweet almonds , pounded with a little water and butter , pass
through sieve .
| Anchois (Anchovy) :
| __ Anchovy fillets pounded in mortar with butter , pass through fine sieve . | | Avelines
| __ Grilled Avelines* (filbert) pounded with a little water and butter . Pass through sieve . | | Bercy :
| __ Réduction of white wine with chopped shallots , add dice of poached marrow , chopped
parsley , salt , black pepper , lemon juice and butter softened into a cream .
| | Beurre
rouge (Red Butter) :
| __ Pound into fine powder some carcass of shellfish , add some butter
. Melt the mixture in a saucepan in a bain-marie . Strain through
muslin into a basin of iced water .
| | Beurre vert (Green Butter) :
| __ Pound some raw spinach and press it in a towel to extract the juice , put it in a pan and
let it coagulate in a bain-marie , and pour it on to a serviette stretched over a bowl to drain the water . Collect
the green colouring and mix it with butter , pass through a fine sieve
| | Caviar :
| __ Pound the caviar in mortar with butter and pass through the sieve .
| | Chivry or Ravigote
Butter :
| __ Parsley , shallots, tarragon , fresh pimpernel* and chives , blanched and pounded in mortar with butter , passed through sieve . | | Colbert
| __ Maitre d'Hotel butter mixed with meat glaze and chopped tarragon . | | Crevettes (Shrimp) :
| __ Shrimps pounded with butter and passed through sieve .
| | Ecrevisses
(Crayfish) :
| __ Carcass of crayfish pounded with butter and passed through a tammy .
| | Escargots (Snails):
| __Chopped shallots , crushed garlic and chopped parsley , salt , pepper , mixed with butter and
brandy .
|  | Estragon (Tarragon) :
| __
Tarragon leaves blanched and pounded with butter , passed through sieve .
| | Hareng (Herring) :
| __ Fillets of smoked herrings pounded with butter and passed through sieve . | | Homard
Lobster) :
| __ Creamy part , eggs and coral of lobster pounded with butter and passed through sieve .
| | Laitances (Soft Roes) :
| __ Poached soft roes pounded with butter and mustard , passed through sieve .
|  | Maître d'hôtel :
| __ Butter softened to a cream , mixed with chopped parsley , salt , black pepper
, lemon juice . | Manié :
| __ Butter in cream mixed with flour . (Usually in equal amount)
| | Marchand de Vins :
| __ Reduction of red wine with chopped shallots , pepper , salt , mixed
with meat glaze , lemon juice , chopped parsley and creamy butter . | | Meunière :
| __ Nut brown cooked butter mixed with lemon juice , chopped parsley . | | Montpellier
| __ Watercress , parsley , chervil , chives , spinach , chopped shallots , boiled two minutes
, drained and pressed , add gherkins , capers , garlic , anchovy fillets , pounded with butter , yolk of
eggs raw and hard , add oil by degrees , cayenne pepper , and pass through
fine sieve Note : If this preparation is for coating fish the oil and eggs are omitted . | | Moutarde (Mustard) :
| __ Creamy butter mixed with French mustard .
| | Noir
(Black) :
| __ Cook butter until black , strain and add vinegar . | | Noisette (Nut Brown) :
| __ Cook the butter until a nice light brown colour . | | Noisette (Filbert)
| | Paprika :
| __ Chopped onions and paprika , tossed in butter and mixed with creamy butter , passed through sieve . | | Pimentos
| __ Pound the pimentos with butter and pass through sieve . | | Pistaches :
| __ (See BEURRE D'AMANDES) with pistachios instead of almonds . | | Printaniers
| __ Butter made with new vegetables such as carrots , French bean , peas , etc .. | | Raifort (Horseradish) :
| __ Scraped horseradish pounded with butter , and pass through sieve . | | Ravigote
| | Saumon Fumé (Smoked
Salmon)) :
| __ Pounded smoked salmon , add creamy butter , pass through sieve .
| | Tomates
(de) :
| __Tomatoes pounded with butter , passed through sieve . | | Truffes (de) :
| __ Pounded with butter and Béchamel sauce , pass through sieve .
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