______________ | | _______________ | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF BUTCHERS'MEAT
| back to listing
| | | | | | Lamb,
Mutton , Barons or pairs of hind quarters of mutton , Saddles
, Shoulders , Legs , Necks of mutton
| | | __ Boned shoulder , stuffed and braised , the best garnishes
for these are : Bonne-Femme, Boulangère, Bourgeoise, Villageoise. Nota__ Mutton must be roasted underdone
, and lamb well done . Garnished and sauces are suitable for lamb
and mutton are the following : |  |  | Baron
| |  | Baron Ficelé
| |  | Rib Roast
| |  | Rib Roast
| |  | Roasted Chops
| |  | Sliced Saddle
| |  | Rolled Saddle
| |
| | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF
| back to listing
| | | Ribs ,
Sirloin , Fillets
Aloyau | ALOYAU :
| __ Part of the beef that goes from point
of hip to the first rib. Is usually roasted and the following garnishes suit
| __
External part of the sirloin, boneless
roast and usually dive.
Same garnishes. | FILET :
| __ Internal part of the sirloin, boneless usually
dive with bacon and roasted. Same garnishes. | | |  | Strip Steaks
|  | Kobe Beef Sirloin Steaks
| | |  | Bone-in Rib Steak
|  | Cotes-basses
| | |  | Filet Mignon - Clean
| |  | Filet Mignon - Pavé
| |  | Filet Mignon - Tournedos
| |  | Filet Mignon - Grilled
| |
|  | Filet Mignon - Tournedos
| back to listing
| | | |
Fillet of Beef
Larded and tossed in butter to a nice brown , after same with forcemeat of chicken mixed with
Duxelles , wrapped
in puff paste , and cook in oven , garnish
with tomatoes , braised lettuces and Château potatoes . | | | | | Chevet
| __Cover with aspic , serve and decorate with aspic . | | Coquelin :
| __In a terrine , carved , covered with CAILLE RICHELIEU julienne , and a good Madeira aspic . | | Mistral :
| __Cover with aspic , garnish with tomatoes Provençales , and decorate with aspic. | | Monthéry :
| __Cover with aspic , place on a long dish , surround
with timbales of French beans and macédoine of vegetables , cohered with mayonnaise and aspic , also artichoke bottoms , garnished with asparagus tips , mixed with
aspic . (Mayonnaise served separate) . | | Russe: | __Served in terrine , cut in slices , cover with aspic and chopped truffles . | | Scandinave :
| __Served in terrine , cut in slices , reshape the fillet , cover with Madeira aspic , surround with different vegetables . | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF
| back to listing
| | | | | Tongues :
| If salted or pickled , boiled in water
. If braised , braised . |  | Garnishes are :
| The most suitable are : Alsacienne , Bourgeoise , Flamande , Italienne , Jardinière , Milanaise , Nivernaise , Nouilles , Sarde , Tourangelle .
| The Purées
| The suitable for tongues are the following : Celery , Spinach , Cauliflower (Dubarry) , Chestnut ,
Sorrel , Peas , Potatoes | Les Sauces are :
| Mushrooms , Hachee , Italienne , Madeira , Piquante , Romaine , etc ..
| | |  | | Poached
| back to listing
| |  | Lard a
piece of rump , season and pickle it in Brandy and wine for 4 to 5 hours , then dry . After
browning in hot fat , moisten with the pickle and brown stock , add bunch of herbs and mushroom peelings . Cook
in oven . After ,
pass and reduce sauce , thin glaze . |  | Bourgeoise :
| __Same as above with Bourgeoise garnish .
| Bourguignonne :
| __Same as above with Bourguignonne garnish .
| Flamande :
| __Same as above with Flamande garnish .
| Mode :
| __Same as BOURGEOISE ▲ . Add dice of calves' feet , which have already been cooked with beef .
Can also be served cold in a terrine with aspic . | | | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF
BEEF | back to listing
| | | Served with a garnish of
carrots , turnips , leeks , cabbage hearts and boiled potatoes , add Horse-radish sauce served separately , hot or cold . |  | | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF
| back to listing
| | | Best Neck , Loin
, Shoulder , Fillet
Rib Roast | Boulangère :
| __Roasted , garnish Boulangère , Gravy . | Choucroute
| __Roasted , serve with braised sauerkraut (choucroute) . Gravy .
| Choux de Bruxelles :
| __Roasted , garnish with Brussel Sprouts and Gravy . | Choux Rouge :
| __Roasted , served with braised red cabbage , Gravy .
| Marmelade de Pommes :
| __Roasted , apple sauce and Gravy .
Filet Mignon | Paysanne :
| __Roasted , when half cooked , add quarter of potatoes and onions . | Purées Diverses
| __Various Purees . Roasted . Served with Purees of Apples , Celery , Lentils , Onions , Split peas
(Saint Germain) . Sauces on the side :Charcutière , Piquante , Horse-radish . Robert .
| Soissonnaise :
| __Roasted , garnish Soissonnnaise . Gravy .
|  |  |
|  |
| | Echine
| Rib Loin Roast
| Rib Loin
| Blade Shoulder
| Arm Shoulder | |
| | | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF
(8) HAM
| back to listing
to be soaked the day before using brush , remove the pelvic bone , boil
, then let simmer gently , time 5 minutes to a pound of ham .
| __Ham to be taken out 15 minutes before done , trim and take away the superfluous fat ,
then put back in braising pan , sprinkle over Madeira , Sherry , select the wine according to
the menu . | Choucroute :
| __Braise , serve separately , braised sauerkraut (choucroute) and half-glaze Madeira sauce .
| Epinards :
| __Braise , serve separately mashed spinach and half-glaze Madeira sauce .
| | Froid (cold) :
| __Cover with aspic , decorate round with chopped aspic and Croûtons .
| | Maillot: | __Braise ,garnirsh Maillot . Madeira sauce .
| | Metternich :
| __Prepared as SOUS LA CENDRE▼ . Serve separately slices of foie gras tossed in butter , cover same with slices of truffles also asparagus tips
, Madeira sauce . | | Mousse & Mousseline :
| __(See preparation) , and serve with spinach and peas etc .. | | Sous la Cendre :
| __Bone and stuff with veal forcemeat and whole truffles ; tied up and wrapped in bread dough , cooked in the oven
about the same time as ordinary ham , serve separately mashed spinach and Périgueux sauce . | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF BUTCHERS'MEAT | ZAMPINO
| back to listing
| | | In normal times , this can be purchased , ready prepared in provision stores ; larded and poached in water for 1 and 1/2
hours , garnish with sauerkraut , boiled cabbages , broad beans , etc .. | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF BUTCHERS'MEAT | COCHON DE LAIT
| back to listing
| | | |  | Américaine :
| __Stuff with the following Forcemeat ; Chopped onions , pigs livers mixed with sausage meat , bread crumbs , egg and thyme . Cook
2 hours 1/2 . | Anglaise :
| __Stuff with English forcemeat .
| Saint Fortunat :
| __Sprinkle the interior with brandy , stuff with this forcemeat ; Chopped onions and barley cooked like
riz pilaw , cook for 25 minutes , pigs livers cut in dice and tossed in butter , braised chestnuts , chipolatas and herbs mixed
together , season , trussed and cooked in braising pan , dress and serve with apple sauce , red currant (or sauce groseille ) with horse-radish and gravy . | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF BUTCHERS'MEAT | VEAU
(17) VEAL
| back to listing
| | | Best Neck , Loin , Saddle | 
Détails & Cooking Modes | Agnès Sorel :
| __Insert tongue and truffles , braise , garnish like supremes of chicken
of the same name , serve gravy . | Chartreuse :
| __Braise , dressed , garnish each side with Chartreuse of vegetables . | Chasseur: | __Larded , roasted . (Separately) : Sauce Chasseur .
| Dreux
| __Larded and insert ham , braise . Garnish Financière .
| Matignon :
| __Braiser à moitié . Enrober Matignon . Barder de lard et jambon . Envelopper crépine . Finir de cuire . Servir
tel quel . (A part :) Fonds de braisage dégraissé .
Rib Roast | Metternich :
| __Braise the saddle , then remove the fillets , cut them into regular scallops cover with Béchamel and paprika , reconstruct the saddle and lay slices of truffles between each scallop , cover the whole
joint with the sauce , glaze under salalmander , Serve
Riz pilaw separately , and clear braising stock , all grease to be removed
. | Nelson :
| __Prepare as above , cover the fillets with soubise and place alternately with slices of ham , cover the joint with Parmesan soufflé preparation mixed with puree of truffles . Cook and glaze , serve
with braising stock . | 
Filet Mignon | Orientale :
| __Prepare same as METTERNISH▲ . Only cover the fillets with curried Béchamel , then cover the joint with tomated Béchamel , glazed surround with braised celery . Serve separately Riz pilaw and braising stock | Orloff :
| __Prepare same as METTERNISH▲ .Cover the fillets with soubise purée and mushrooms alternately with truffles ,
cover with Maintenon sauce , glaze , surround with Orloff garnish , serve with braising gravy . | 
Filet Mignon - Médaillons | Paprika :
| __Larded and seasoned with paprika , braise slowly on chopped onionsm , dress , surrounded with
Hongroise garnish , serve with reduced braising stock mixed with cream . | Piémontaise :
| __Same way as METTERNISH▲ . Cover the fillets with Mornay sauce mixed with Piémont
truffles , cover with same sauce , serve with rice Piémontaise and braising liquor . | | Renaissance :
| __Braise . Garnish RENAISSANCE , serve with half-glaze . | | Romanoff :
| __Prepared as METTERNISH▲ Only cover the fillets with cream sauce mixed with minced cepes , cover
the top with Béchamel sauce finished with crayfish coulis , surround the border with braised half fennels . Serve with braising stock (separately) . | | Sicilienne
| __Larded , roasted , wrapped with Sicilienne garnish and crepine , sprinkle with bread crumbs and a little melted
butter . Serve with gravy . | | Talleyrand :
| __Stuffed with truffles , braise . Serve with Talleyrand garnish and braising stock . | 
Scallops | Tosca :
| __Same as METTERNISH▲ . Fill the center with macaroni Italienne mixed with julienne of truffles , reconstruct the saddle then cover with soubise sauce and glaze under the salamander . Serve braising stock separately . | Turque :
| __Studded with larding bacon, cook , garnish with eggplant prepared à la Turque . Serve braising stock separately . | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF
| back to listing
| | | (See Ballotines , at beginnning of chapter)
| | Farcie
| __ Boned and stuffes with
sausage meat , chives and dry duxelles , rolled , strung and braised . Served with vegetable puree and braising stock ,
or with the following garnishes : Boulangère , Bourgeoise , Printanière , etc .. | 
Shoulder | Farcie à l'Anglaise
| __Booned , stuffed with English forcemeat and cooked same way as "Epaule farcie" , braise , serve with boiled bacon
, and braising stock . |
|  |  |  |  | _______________ Stuffed Shoulders _______________ | Rolled
Boned Shoulder Roast
| back to listing
| | | | 
Porks' Shanks | Bourgeoise :
| __Browned in butter , then braised , garnish Bourgeoise , and braising stock . | Estragon :
| __Tossed in butter , moisten with stock to which add a bunch of tarragon , braise , and served
with same stock reduced . | Osso Bucco :
| __Tossed with chopped onions and butter , add tomatoes , and half-glaze with tomato puree , bunch of herbs , braised , dished up and covered with garnish and braising stock . | Printanière : | __Same as BOURGEOISE ▲ . with Printanière garnish instead .
| | |  | | Beef Shank Sliced | | Braised Lamb Shank >>>
| | | | | | | ______________ | | | ENTRÉES & RELEVÉS OF BUTCHERS'MEAT | NOIX DE VEAU
& FRICANDEAU (10) CUSHION OF VEAL | back to listing
| | Briarde :
| __Larded , braised , garnished with braised stuffed lettuces , serve with new carrots à la crème and braising stock . | 
Cushions of Veal | Bourgeoise :
| __Braised and garnish Bourgeoise , braising stock .
| Chatham :
| __Larded , braised , the glazed , serve in a timbale with fresh noodles mixed with tongue , then mixed with thin Soubise sauce and slices of mushrooms . | Chicorée :
| __Braised and served with Purée of chicory and braising stock . | | Doria :
| __Braised . Cut round the cushion and take out inside , scallop the meat , Fill center
with Régence garnish (B) , place the scallops on the garnish and cover with Suprême sauce , surround with Duchess potatoes . | _____________
| Epinards :
| __Braised , garnished with mashed spinach , serve with braising stock . | | Froide :
| __Braise . Cover with the braising stock mixed with aspic , garnish to taste . | | Nivernaise
| __Braised , garnish Nivernaise , braising stock . | | Renaissance :
| __Braised , Garnish Renaissance , braising stock . | | | | | back to top | | | ________________________ | ________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | |