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Eau_de_Vie : also aqua vitae, or “water
of life” literally. A term commonly applied to homemade brandies and distilled white spirits, made from the lees of
wine. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top | | Eclair : A small, oblong, cream-filled
pastry made with Choux Pastry (cream-puff pastry dough). Unlike Cream Puffs, éclairs are usually topped with a sweet
icing such as a chocolate glaze. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top |  | Edamame : is a preparation of baby soybeans in the pod commonly found in Japan,
China and Korea. The pods are boiled in water together with condiments such as salt, and served whole. | | Eddoes : Also called taro root and dasheen,
are solid, roundish root tubers. It is a starchy root with a combination of potato, water chestnut and artichoke flavors.
It is delicious deep-fried, boiled, roasted or pan-fried. Peel the root first, and use as you would potatoes. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top | | Egg : the ovoid, hard-shelled reproductive
body produced by a bird, consisting principally of a yolk and albumen; it is a good source of protein, iron, sulfur and vitamins
A, B, D and E but also relatively high in cholesterol. | | Eggnog : a frothy drink made from cream
or milk, egg yolks, sugar and flavorings such as rum or brandy. Eggnog is a tradition Christmas drink.
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|  | Eggplant : aubergine, or brinjal ... Different varieties of eggplant
produce fruit of different size, shape and color, especially purple, green, or white. There are even orange varieties of eggplant. | | Violeti di Firenze
| |  | |
| | Egg_Roll : Chinese pastry stuffed with
a mixture of shredded meats, shrimp, cabbage or lettuce, and vegetables , then deep-fried. | | Egg_Timer : a small, hourglass-shaped container
that holds a fixed amount of sand. When the timer is turned upside down, the sand moves from one half to another in a three-minute
period, the time required to cook a medium-sized egg to the soft-boiled stage. |  | Eglantines : Rosa rubiginosa (Sweet briar or Eglantine
Rose; syn. R. eglanteria) is a species of rose native to Europe and western Asia. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top |  | Elderberries : Sambucus (elder or elderberry) is a genus of between 5 and 30 species
of shrubs or small trees ... They bear large clusters of small white or cream-coloured flowers in late spring; these are followed
by clusters of small black, blue-black, or red berries (rarely yellow or white). | | Elixirs : cordials or essences that are
said to be life-prolonging. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top | |
Emincé : a term used
to describe meat, vegetables, or fish sliced very thinly, placed in an earthenware dish and simmered in added sauce.
| | Empanada : is a stuffed bread or pastry. The name comes from the Spanish verb empanar,
meaning to wrap or coat in bread. Empanada is made by folding a dough or bread patty around the stuffing. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top |  Red Belgian
^^ | Endive : a plant (Cichorium endivia)
with curly dark green leaves and a slightly bitter flavor; also know as curly endive and imprecisely known as chicory (especially
in France and United States). | Belgian
| |  | |
| | English_Walnut : a nut (Juglans regia) with a
hard, wrinkled tan shell enclosing two double-lobed sections; has a sweet flavor and is used for snacking, in sweet and savory
dishes and for obtaining oil; also known as the Persian walnut. |  | Enoki Mushroom : are long, thin white mushrooms used in Asian cuisines, particularly those of China, Japan and
Korea. Wild forms differing in color, texture, and sliminess are called winter mushrooms, velvet
foot, or velvet stem among other names. | | Persimmon
| |  | |
| | Entrecote : a cut of beef taken from between
the ribs. Sometimes the term refers to a rumpsteak or sirloin. | | Entrée : today the term refers to the
main course of a meal, but originally it was the second course of many. French, meaning “entrance”. | | Entremet : side dishes, literally “between
dishes”; can be savory or sweet. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top |  | Epazote : is used as a leaf vegetable and herb for its pungent flavor. Raw, it has a resinous, medicinal
pungency, similar to the liquorice taste of anise, fennel, or even tarragon, but stronger. Epazote's fragrance is strong,
but difficult to describe. It has been compared to citrus, petroleum, savory, mint and putty... Epazote,
Wormseed, Jesuit's Tea, Mexican Tea, or Herba Sancti Mariæ
(Dysphania ambrosioides, formerly Chenopodium ambrosioides) is an herb native to Central America, South
America, and southern Mexico . | | Epergne ; a serving dish of numerous separate bowls attached to one main stem. | | Epicure : a gourmet who gives special
attention to the knowledge of food and wine. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top | | Escalope : refers to a thin slice of meat
or fish, without bones, gristle, or skin. | | Escarole : Endive |  | ESCOFFIER : Georges Auguste Escoffier (28 October 1846–12 February 1935) was a French chef, restaurateur and culinary writer who popularized and updated traditional French cooking methods. He is a near-legendary figure
among chefs and gourmets, and was one of the most important leaders in the development of modern French cuisine. Much of Escoffier's
technique was based on that of Antoine Carême,
one of the codifiers of French Haute cuisine, but Escoffier's achievement was to simplify
and modernize Carême's elaborate and ornate style. | | Espresso : an Italian way of preparing
coffee using steam. | | Essences : condensed flavors made as their source is distilled or pressed, then
mixed with liquid. Examples are almond extract, rose water , etc. | ea ec ed eg el em en ep es et ex back to top | | Etouffée : French for smothered
and used to describe a stewed dish cooked with little or no liquid in a tightly closed pot; usually served over white rice.
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| | Spices / Herbs |  | Fruits |
| Beans / Seeds |
| Lettuces |  | Vegetables |  | Beverages |  | |