| | | va ve vi vo back to top | | | | | |  | Vanilla : an essential flavoring that comes from the pod of a tropical vine, an orchid that climbs,
vanilla planifolia. It is commonly used in the United States as vanilla extract; it is also sold powdered or by the whole
pod. In Europe, the pod is used to flavor sugar which is then used in baking. | | | | | |  | Vanilla_Extract : a vanilla-flavored product made by macerating chopped vanilla beans in a water- alcohol solution to extract the flavor; its strength is measured in folds. | | | | | |  | Vanilla_Sugar : sugar flavored by vanilla beans. To make vanilla sugar, fill a large jar with sugar, break
a vanilla bean in three pieces, press it into the sugar and leave for several weeks. | | | | | | va ve
vi vo back to top | | | | | |  | Veal : meat from calves slaughtered when younger than 9 months (usually at 8 to 16 weeks); has a lean,
light pink flesh, delicate flavor and tender, firm texture. | | | | | |  | Vegetables : The
noun vegetable usually means an edible plant or part of a plant other than a sweet
fruit or seed. This typically means the leaf, stem, or root of a plant. >>>
| | | | | | | | | | | | |  | Vegetable_Oil : a general term describing blends of different vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, rapeseed,
cottonseed and/or soybean oils; these blends are generally intended to have little flavor and aroma and to be used as all-purpose
oils. | | | | | |  | Velouté : white sauce made of flour, butter, and a chicken or veal stock, instead of milk. Répertoire ►
| | | | | | Mousseron ▲ Mushrooms
|  | | | | | | Squash ►
| | | | | | | | | | | |  | Venison : meat of deer. | | | | | | | Vent : to allow the circulation or escape of a liquid or gas. | | | | | |  | Vermicelli : Italian for little worms; used to describe very thin spaghetti; available in straight rods
or twisted into a cluster. | | | | | | |  | | | | | | Rice Noodles ► | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | Vermouth : a white apéritif wine of France, sweet or dry. | | | | | | | | | | | | | Veronique : usually means garnished with white
grapes. | | | | | | | Vert_Pré : a green herb sauce; also, a garnish of straw potatoes and watercress served with grilled meat. Répertoire ►
| | | | | | | Vichyssoise : a cold soup made with leeks, potatoes and cream. | | | | | | va ve vi vo back to top | | | | | | | Vinaigrette : a cold sauce of oil and vinegar flavored with parsley, finely chopped onions, and other seasonings;
served with cold meats or vegetables or as a dressing with salad greens. | | | | | | | Vintage : a word given to the harvest of grapes relating to the year of the harvest and wine production. | | | | | | | Viticulture : the study of grape growing. | | | | | | va ve vi vo
back to top | | | | | | | Volume : ( Conversion Tables ) the measurement typically used to measure liquids; volume measurements are
commonly expressed as liters, teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, pints, gallons, fluid ounces and bushels.the
measurement typically used to measure liquids; volume measurements are commonly expressed as liters, teaspoons, tablespoons,
cups, pints, gallons, fluid ounces and bushels. | | | | | |  | Volvariella Mushroom : The genus is estimated to contain about 50 species. Some species of Volvariella are popular edibles in Europe, accounting for 16% of total production of cultivated mushrooms in the world. >>
| | | | | | _______________ | ____________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Spices / Herbs |  | Fruits |
| Beans / Seeds |
| Lettuces |  | Vegetables |  | Beverages |  | |