| | |
de dh di do dr du back to top |  | Daikon : a Japanese radish. | | Micro Daikon | |  | |
| | Damson : a type of plum best used in
cooking or for jams and jellies. |  | Dandelion : are native to Europe, North
America and Asia and two species are found as weeds worldwide... The common name Dandelion is given to members
of the genus and like other members of the Asteraceae family, they have very small flowers collected together into a composite
flower head. Each single flower in a head is called a floret. |  | Dangleberry :
| | Dash : a seasoning measure indicating
a scant 1/8 teaspoon or less. | | Dashi ; a
clear fish stock which is the basis of Japanese dishes. |  | Date : the fruit of a palm tree (phoenix dactylifera) native to the Middle East and Mediterranean
region; most varieties are long and ovoid (some are more spherical) with a thin papery skin that is green, becoming yellow,
golden brown, black or mahogany red when ripe, extremely sweet flesh with a light brown color, chewy texture and a single,
long, narrow seed; eaten fresh or dried. | | Daubiere : a cooking pot with a tight-fitting
lid used for braising. | da de
dh di do dr du back to top | | Decant ; to pour a liquid, generally
wine, from one container to another. Red wine is decanted to remove the sediment deposited during the aging process. | | Deep_Fat_Frying : to cook in hot fat (about 360
degrees) that is deep enough for food to float - usually a minimum of 3 inches.. | | Deglaze : to pour hot stock, wine, or
water on the degreased sediment left in the roasting or frying pan in which meat has cooked. The purpose of deglazing is to dissolve the caramelized juices of meats dropped during the cooking
process. This process is the secret of rich gravies, and a vital step in making good casseroles and soups. | |
Degrease : to skim the fat from
the top of a liquid such as a sauce or stock. | | Dehydration : a process that
removes the water content from food. | | Demi_Glace : a rich brown sauce or gravy
made by reducing meat stock. | | Demijohn : a large glass wine container
which can hold up to 10 gallons. | | Demi_Sec : a distinctive type of sweet champagne. | | Demitasse ; a small cup of coffee served
after dinner. | | Dessert : is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, usually
consisting of sweet food but sometimes of a strongly-flavored one, such as some cheeses. The word comes from the French language
as dessert and this from Old French desservir, "to clear the table" and "to serve." Common desserts include
cakes, cookies, fruits, pastries, ice cream, and candies. | | Dessert_Wine : any sweet wine, or a wine that
has been fortified by the addition of brandy. | | Devein : to remove the gritty, grey-black
vein running down the curved top of the shelled shrimp by slitting the top of the shrimp open and pulling it out. | | Devil_to
: to prepare with spicy
seasoning or sauce, for instance mustard and cayenne. | | Devonshire_cream : a smooth English clotted cream,
akin to crème fraîche. | da de dh
di do dr du back to top | | Dhal / Dal : the Indian name for lentils. | da de dh di
do dr du back to top | | Dice : to cut food into tiny cubes, usually about 1/4 inch. | | Dietary_Fiber :sometimes called roughage, is the indigestible portion of plant foods that
pushes food through the digestive system, absorbing water and easing defecation... Food sources of dietary fiber are often
divided according to whether they provide (predominantly) soluble or insoluble fiber. To be precise, both types of fiber are
present in all plant foods, with varying degrees of each according to a plant’s characteristics. | | Digester
the pressure cooker of
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. | | Digestives : liquids or cordials often made
with herbs and said to aid digestion. Usually drunk at the end of a meal. | | Dijon : a French prepared mustard made in the Dijon region from black or brown mustard seeds, blended with salt, spices and
white wine or verjuice; has a clean sharp, medium-hot flavor, yellow-gray color and creamy texture.
|  | Dill : an annual plant and a member
of the parsley family (Anethum graveolens); the feathery leaves have a parsley-like flavor with overtones of anise and are
used fresh or dried as an herb; the flat, oval, brown seeds have a slightly bitter caraway-like flavor, also with overtones
of anise, and are used as a spice. | | Dilute : to make a food less concentrated or strong by adding liquid. | | Dim_Sum : (literally meaning "touch heart")
is the name for a Chinese cuisine which involves a wide range of light dishes served alongside Chinese tea. It is usually
served in the mornings until noon time at Chinese restaurants and at specialty dim sum eateries where typical dishes are available
throughout the day. Dishes come in small portions and may include meat, seafood, and vegetables, as well as desserts and fruit.
The items are usually served in a small steamer basket or on a small plate. | | Diner (place) : is a prefabricated restaurant
building characteristic of North America, especially on Long Island; in New York City; in New Jersey, and other areas of the
Northeastern United States, although examples can be found throughout the US and in Canada. Some people apply the term not
only to the prefabricated structures, but also to restaurants that serve cuisine similar to traditional diner cuisine even
if they are located in more traditional types of buildings. Diners are characterized by a wide range of foods, mostly American,
a casual atmosphere, a counter, and late operating hours. |
| Dining_Room : is a room for consuming food. In modern times it is usually adjacent
to the kitchen for convenience in serving, although in medieval times it was often on an entirely different floor level. Historically
the dining room is furnished with a rather large dining table and a number of dining chairs | | Dinner (meal) :is the name of the main meal of the day. Depending upon region and tradition,
it may be the second or third meal of the day... |  | Dino Kale :
| | Dip : a thick creamy
sauce or condiment, served hot or cold, to accompany raw vegetables, crackers, processed snack foods such as potato chips
or the like, especially as an hors d'oeuvre; usually made with a mayonnaise, sour cream or cream cheese base and flavorings. | | Dissolve : to mix a dry substance with liquid until the dry substance becomes
a part of the solution. | | Distilled_Water : water from which all gases
and minerals have been removed. | | Dishwasher : 1. is a mechanical device for cleaning dishes and eating utensils. 2. the word dishwasher may also refer to a person who washes dishes in a commercial setting. | | Dishware : is the general term for the dishes used in serving, and eating food, including
plates and bowls. Dinnerware is a synonym, especially meaning a set of dishes, including
serving pieces. | | Divinities : fudge, made with brown or white sugar. | da de dh di do dr du back to top | | Dobos_Torte : is a famous Hungarian
cake, famous also in Slovakia, invented by and named after a well-known Hungarian confectioner, József C. Dobos (1847-1924) in 1884. It is a five-layer sponge cake, layered with chocolate buttercream
and topped with thin caramel slices. The sides of the cake are sometimes coated with ground hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts
or almonds but the original cake is without coat, since it was a slice of a big cake. Dobos's aim was to make a cake that
would last longer than other pastries, in an age when cooling techniques were limited. The caramel topping helps keep the
cake from drying out. The cake is also often called 'Dobos-torta' or 'Dobostorta'. | | Dogfish : a common name for a species
of small shark valuable for vitamin C in its liver oil. | | Dolci : Italian for sweet dishes. | | Dot : to randomly distribute small bits of one food
(usually butter) on the surface of another food. | | Dough : a mixture of flour and other
ingredients used in baking and often stiff enough to cut into shapes; has a low moisture content and gluten forms the continuous
medium into which other ingredients are embedded; generally has less fat, sugar and liquid than a batter. | | Doughnuts / Dampfknodel a sweet cake fried
in deep fat, and made of yeast-leavened or baking powder-raised dough. | | Double_Boiler : two suacepans , one of which fits into the top of the other. The lower pan is partially filled with water kept boiling or near boiling to
keep the food in the upper pan cooking without excessive or uneven heat. | da de dh di do dr du back to top | | Dragée : is a form of confectionery that can be used for decorative or symbolic purposes
in addition to consumption. A classic, popular version of dragée are whole almonds coated with a sugar shell in
various colors. Called mulabbas in Arabic, confetti in Italian and Jordan almonds or sugared almonds in English, these confections
have a long history, and are traditionally associated with weddings and special celebrations. Throwing or handing out these
candies at such occasions (hence the name for the multi-colored paper confetti which usually now replaces them) dates back
centuries, and is meant to ensure prosperity, fertility, happiness, and good luck. |  | Dragon Fruit : pitaya or pitahaya is the fruit of several cactus species,
most importantly of the genus Hylocereus (sweet pitayas). These fruit are commonly known as dragon
fruit ... Other vernacular names are strawberry pear or nanettikafruit. In Mauritius, it is known as "Débousse-to-fesse"
because of its laxative properties... Sweet pitayas have
a creamy pulp and a delicate aroma. | | Drain : to allow a liquid to withdraw from, pour out of, or pour off an item, sometimes with the use
of a strainer or colander. | | Draw : to remove the entrails of poultry , game. | | Drawn_Butter : melted butter, sometimes clarified
butter. | | Dredge : to coat lightly with a dry ingredient, for instance, flour, sugar,
bread crumbs, or cornmeal. | | Dress : to draw and clean a fowl for cooking. Also, to add dressing to a salad; to garnish. | | Drink : or beverage, is a liquid specifically prepared for human consumption. In addition
to basic needs, beverages form part of the culture of human society .... | | Drinkware :or drinking vessel ... full listing | | Drippings : the fat, juices, and other residues separated from meat during cooking and left in the pan, or crusted onto the bottom of the pan. What actually happens is that the substance in
the animal juices caramelizes, just as sugar does, on the bottom of a hot pan. Diluting and scraping these up, the cook created
the basis for the flavor of the best stews and soups and gravies. Drippings from roasts or sautéed meats in cast iron
utensils caramelize exceptionally well, and make possible tastier casseroles and gravies. | | Drizzle : (also called mizzle) is light precipitation consisting of liquid water drops smaller than those
of rain, and generally smaller than 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) in diameter. | | Drunkeness : or inebriation, is the condition of being intoxicated by consumption
of alcoholic beverages to such a degree that mental or physical faculties are altered or impaired. | | Dry_Ice : used for refrigeration, this
crystallized carbon dioxide is ice that does not produce water when melted. Don’t touch with bare hands and avoid prolonged
breathing in an atmosphere saturated by melting dry ice. | da de dh di do dr du
back to top | | Duchesse : a term for potatoes pureed with
milk and butter and egg yolks added. This mash potato was usually piped around the edges of the tray for a better presentation
when serving the guest "à l'Anglaise", meaning the sever direcly serves the food as the guest request..and
this one after another around the table. | | Duck :is the common name for a number of species in the Anatidae family of
birds... ucks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and
sea water ... Ducks have many economic uses, being farmed for their meat, eggs, feathers, (particularly their down). They
are also kept and bred by aviculturists and often displayed in zoos. All domestic ducks are descended from the wild
Mallard , except the Muscovy Duck
| | Duck_Press : (alternate names: Canard à la presse, Caneton à la presse, Caneton Tour d'Argent, or canard
au sang) is a traditional French dish. The complex
dish was developed in the 19th century in the Tour d'Argent restaurant in Paris, France, and consists
of various parts of a duck served in a sauce made of its blood and marrow, which is extracted by way of a press. It
has been considered "the height of elegance." | | Dulce_de_Leche :in Spanish or doce de leite in Portuguese ("milk jam"), is a milk-based
sauce. Found as both a syrup and a caramel candy, it is prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk to create a product that
is vaguely similar in taste to caramel. | | Dumpling : a small ball of dough or bread
or potatoes, steamed, or simmered in a stew or soup. Sweet dumplings are usually baked and contain fruit. | | Dundee_Cake : a rich fruitcake covered with
blanched almonds. |  | Durian : Widely known and revered in southeast Asia as the "king of fruits",
the durian is distinctive for its large size, unique odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk... The edible flesh emits a
distinctive odour, strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact. Some people regard the durian as fragrant; others
find the aroma overpowering and offensive. The smell evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust. The odour
has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in southeast Asia. | | Durum_Wheat : a variety of hard wheat used
for making pasta. | | Dusting : to lightly sprinkle with a dry ingredient, such as flour. | | Dutch_Oven : a cast iron pot with a tightly fitting lid used to braise and sometimes to bake. | | Duxelles : a hash of minced mushroom,
shallots and herbs simmered in butter, used to flavor soups, sauces, and stuffings or to garnish. | _______________ | ____________________________________________________________________________________________ |
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| | Spices / Herbs |  | Fruits |
| Beans / Seeds |
| Lettuces |  | Vegetables |  | Beverages |  | |