| | | ha he hi ho hu hy back to top | | | | | | | Haddock : of the cod family, this fish is white-fleshed and is good to use in
any recipe calling for cod. Smoked, it is known as Finnan Haddid. Poached, and served with drawn butter, it has a faint hint
of the flavor of lobster.
| | | | | | | Haggamuggie_|_Haggis : the minced innards of an animal cooked with oatmeal and
suet. Traditionally, a meat pudding or sausage was make then boiled in the cleaned stomach bag of the sheep. | | | | | | | Hake : of the cod family, this fish
is easy to fillet and has soft white flesh.
| | | | | | | Half_&_Half : is a mixture of
equal parts milk and cream, and is 10 to 12 percent milk fat. It cannot be whipped.
| | | | | | | Halva : a sweet dish or candy made
from ground sesame seeds, fruit or vegetables. Near Eastern in origin.
| | | | | | | Ham : | | | | | | | Hang : to tenderize game or meat by
hanging in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place.
| | | | | | | Hard_Sauce ; a sweet liquor-flavored
sauce traditionally served on hot puddings and cold cake. Often offered at Christmas with plum pudding.
| | | | | | | Hardtack : a sailors name for sea
| | | | | | | Hare :
a wild rabbit with a strong gamey flavor. This is not a wild version of the rabbits raised domestically for food in Europe
and some parts of the United States, but another type. It may not be used in place of rabbit in a recipe.
| | | | | |  | Haricots verts : or String Beans | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Hash ;
a recipe using leftovers, this dish is made by dicing pre-cooked meats and/or vegetables, and cooking with seasonings, minced
onions, herbs, or sauce in a frying pan until crisp.
| | | | | | | Haslet : country dish of pork sweetbreads,
heart and liver. It is cooked in a casserole, fried, stewed or ground with onions and prepared as a sausage.
| | | | | |  | Hazelnut or Filbert: | | | | | | | | | | | | | ha he hi ho hu hy back to top | | | | | | | Headcheese : a molded jelly or sausage made from pig’s or calf’s
head stewed with herbs and seasonings; it includes meat.
| | | | | | | Heart ; the heart of sheep,
calf , ox and pig is used as a variety meat in many popular dishes.
| | | | | | | Hearthcakes : the English name
for a French round cake. Each region in France creates its own version. The first hearthcakes were baked on the hearth in
hot ashes.
| | | | | | | Hen :
a female bird. Commercially raised hen-chickens are tender. Hen is also a term applied to the female of various aquatic creatures,
lobster for one.
| | | | | | | Herbs : any of a large group
of annual and perennial plants whose leaves, stems or flowers are used as a flavoring; usually available fresh and dried.
| | | | | | | Het_Pint
: a Scottish drink used for special occasions. It is a heated mixture of ale, eggs, whiskey and nutmeg.
| | | | | | ha he hi ho hu hy back to top | | | | | | | Hibiscus : | | | | | | | high_Altitude_Cooking_&_Baking
: Simply put, the weight of air on any surface it comes in contact with is called air (or atmospheric) pressure. There's less
(or lower) air pressure at high altitudes because the blanket of air above is thinner than it would be at sea level. As a
result, at sea level water boils at 212°F; at an altitude of 7,500 feet, however, it boils at about 198°F because
there's not as much air pressure to inhibit the boiling action. This also means that because at high altitudes boiling water
is 14 degrees cooler than at sea level, foods will take longer to cook because they're heating at a lower temperature. Lower
air pressure also causes boiling water to evaporate more quickly in a high altitude. This decreased air pressure means that
adjustments in some ingredients and cooking time and temperature will have to be made for high-altitude baking, as well as
some cooking techniques such as candy making, deep-fat frying and canning. In general, no recipe adjustment is necessary for
yeast-risen baked goods, although allowing the dough or batter to rise twice before the final pan rising develops a better
flavor. Source: © Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition,
by Sharon Tyler Herbst.
| | | | | | | Hip : bright reddish orange fruit of roses, particularly species roses, as Rosa rugosa.
It contains vitamin C and is used to make a tea, and for jams and syrups.
| | | | | | ha he hi ho hu hy back to top | | | | | | | Hochepot _|_Hotchpotch :
a Belgian dish of considerable antiquity, a very thick soup traditionally made with brisket of beef, shoulder and breast of
mutton, shoulder of veal, pigs feet, ears and tails, chippolata sausages, onions, assorted vegetables, herbs and condiments.
The meat garnished with vegetables is served separately from the broth. Probably associated with the phrase, hodgepodge, which
refers to a jumble of things all mixed together. England has a “hot pot” which probably is a version of the Belgian
| | | | | | | Hock : British term for any white Rhine wine. Also,
a cut of meat from the leg of an animal, valued for soups, stews and jellies. | | | | | | | Hoisin
; a thick, reddish-brown, sweet-and-spicy sauce made from soybeans, garlic, chiles and various spices and used as a
condiment and flavoring in Chinese cuisines; also known as Peking sauce.
| | | | | | | Hollandaise : a
sauce made of butter, egg, and lemon juice or vinegar.
| | | | | | | Hominy : hulled corn with the germ removed. Hominy grits are uniform granules
that are boiled and served as a breakfast cereal or as an accompaniment to a main dish or fish, meat or poultry.
| | | | | | | Homogenized : treatment
for milk that breaks the fat into tiny particles that can remain suspended in liquid rather than rising to the top as cream
in untreated milk.
| | | | | | | Honey
: a sweet, usually viscous, liquid made by bees from flower nectar and stored in the cells of the hive for food; generally
contains 17 to 20% water and 76 to 80% sucrose; consumed fresh or after processing, it is usually used as a nutritive sweetener.
| | | | | |  | Honeydew :
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Hopping_John; Hoppin' John :
a southern U.S. dish of black-eyed peas cooked with a ham hock and served over white rice.
| | | | | | | Hors_D"Oeuvres
: a light food, hot or cold, prepared for small servings, to be eaten before the main meal. The American equivalent
is an appetizer. Hors d’oeuvres were originally served on a sideboard apart from the dining table and before the meal.
| | | | | |  | Horse Radish: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Hot_Bag : an extra heavy
duty aluminum foil bag, pre-sealed on three sides to make a large and durable pouch.
| | | | | | | Hotcakes
: in the United States and Canada a another name for pancakes, flapjacks and griddlecakes. In England and Scotland,
a name for drop scones.
| | | | | | | Hot_Salt_Frying ; | | | | | | | Hot_Sand_Frying : | | | | | | | Hot_Sauce : seasoning sauce, usually commercially
made, containing chile peppers, salt and vinegar. | | | | | | ha he hi ho hu hy back to top | | | | | |  | Huckleberry
or Bilberry :
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Huitlacoche
: (also spelled cuitlacoche; also referred to as 'Mexican corn truffle') is a fungus which grows naturally on ears of
corn (Ustilago maydis). The fungus is harvested and treated as a delicacy. The earthy and somewhat smoky fungus is used to
flavor quesadillas, tamales, soups and other specialty dishes.
| | | | | | | Humble_Pie
: “umbles” are the heart, liver, kidney and other innards of a deer. Servants once made this into a pie
for themselves and coined the phrase “humble pie”. Today the connotation is one who accepts a humble status or
humiliating treatment voluntarily.
| | | | | | | Hush_Puppies : a dish made of fried cornmeal batter. The term
is said to have originated at a southern fish fry where the cooks fried extra bits of fish batter to throw to the noisy dogs
to hush the puppies.
| | | | | | ha he hi ho hu hy
back to top | | | | | |  | Hyssop :
| | | | | | _______________ | ____________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Spices / Herbs |  | Fruits |
| Beans / Seeds |
| Lettuces |  | Vegetables |  | Beverages |  | |