| | | ba
be bi bl bo br bu back to top | | | | | | | Babka : A sweet Polishyeast bread that usually contains almond
and raisins, but recent versions use chocolate and cinnamon. | | | | | |  | Baby_Back_Ribs : a fabricated cut of the pork primal loin; a slab of ribs weighing 1.75 pounds or less. | | | | | |  | Backribs
: a fabricated cut of the pork primal loin; consists of the ribs cut from the anterior end; also known as country-style spareribs. | | | | | |  | Bacon : fabricated cut of the pork carcass, cut from the sides and belly; consists of fat interspersed with strands of meat;
it is salted and/or smoked, available sliced or in a slab.
| | | | | |  | Bagel : a dense, doughnut-shaped Jewish yeast roll; cooked in boiling water, then baked, which gives the rolls a shiny glaze and
chewy texture. | | | | | |  | Baguette : a long, thin, crisp loaf of French bread. | | | | | | | Bain_Marie : The French term for the cooking technique we call a water bath . It consists of placing a container (baking pan, bowl,
soufflé dish, etc.) of food in a large, shallow pan of warm water, which surrounds the food with gentle heat. The food
may be cooked in this manner either in an oven or on top of a range. This technique is designed to cook delicate dishes such
as custards, sauces and mousses without breaking or curdling them. It can also be used to keep cooked foods warm. | | | | | | | Baking : to cook in an oven, surrounding the food with dry heat of a specific temperature. | | | | | |

| Bake_Blind (also called Blind Baking) A term for baking a pastry shell (pie crust) before it is filled. There are two methods
used. 1. The unbaked shell is first pricked all over with a fork to prevent it from blistering and rising and then baked.
2. The unbaked shell is lined with foil or parchment paper, then filled with dried beans or rice, clean pebbles (a French
practice) or specialty pie weights made of metal or ceramic. The weights and foil or parchment paper should be removed a few
minutes before the baking time is over to allow the crust to brown evenly. | | | | | |  | Bake_Cups : paper or foil shaped, pleated cups used to line cupcake or muffin tins to prevent batter from sticking to the pan
during the cooking process. | | | | | |  | Baker : A baker
is someone who primarily bakes
and sells bread >>>
| | | | | |  | Baking_Powder : a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and one or more acids, generally cream of tartar and/or sodium aluminum sulfate,
used to leaven baked goods; releases carbon dioxide gas if moisture is present in a formula. | | | | | |  | Baking_Soda : sodium bicarbonate, an alkaline compound that releases carbon dioxide gas when combined with an acid and moisture; used
to leaven baked goods. | | | | | | | Baklava : a Middle Easter sweet rich with honey and nuts and made from filo, a paper-thin pastry in many flaky layers. | | | | | | | 
| | | | | |  | Bamboo_Shoot : These are the ivory-colored shoots of the bamboo plant. Widely available
in cans; fresh bamboo shoots are expensive and seasonal. Bamboo shoots have a tender-crisp texture and sweet flavor. To refresh
canned bamboo shoots, rinse and quickly blanch before use. | | | | | | | Barquettes : Small, boat shaped pastry
tarts made of short crust pastry or puff pastry, baked blind and then filled with sweet or savory fillings. | | | | | |  | Banana : the berry of a large tropical herb; the fruit grows in clusters (hands) and is long and curving with a brown-stained
yellow skin (it is harvested while still green), a slightly sticky, floury, off-white pulp and a distinctive sweet flavor
and aroma. Recipes ►
| | | | | | 
Banana Passion : Banana passionfruit is the
fruit of several plants in the genus Passiflora, and are therefore related to the
passion fruit >>>
| | | | | |  | Bannock : a Scottish round cake. | | | | | |  | Banquet : A banquet is a large public meal or feast, complete with
main courses and desserts. It usually serves a purpose, such as a charitable gathering, a ceremony, or a celebration >>>
| | | | | |  | Bar : A bar (also
called a pub or tavern) is a business that serves drinks, especially alcoholic beverages such as beer, liquor, and mixed drinks, for consumption on
the premises >>>
| | | | | | | Barbecue : to roast or broil whole, as a hog, fowl, etc. Usually done on a revolving frame over coals or upright in front
of coals. To cook thin slices of meat in a highly seasoned vinegar sauce.
to roast meat slowly over coals
on a spit or framework, or to roast in an oven, basting intermittently with a special kind of sauce | | | | | |  | Barding : a thin piece of fatty bacon or lard used to cover too-lean meat while it roasts | | | | | |
| Barley : a small, spherical grain grown worldwide and usually pearled to remove its outer husk; the white grain has a slightly
sweet, nutty, earthy flavor, chewy texture and high starch content; also known as pearl barley. | | | | | | | Basil : an herb and member of the mint family; has soft, shiny light green leaves, small white flowers and a strong, pungent
peppery flavor reminiscent of licorice and cloves (other varieties are available with flavors reminiscent of foods such as
cinnamon, garlic, lemon and chocolate); available fresh and dried; also known as sweet basil. Ice cream ►
| | | | | |  | Basmati : an aged, aromatic long-grain rice grown in the Himalayan foothills; has a creamy yellow color, distinctive sweet,
nutty aroma and delicate flavor. | | | | | |  | Baste : to moisten the food as it cooks by spooning or brushing it at regular intervals with a liquid such as melted fat,
meat drippings, fruit juice, sauce or water. This is done to add flavor and color to the food and to prevent drying of the
surface. | | | | | | | Batter : a semiliquid mixture containing flour or other starch used to make cakes and breads; gluten development is minimized
and the liquid forms the continuous medium in which other ingredients are disbursed; generally contains more fat, sugar and
liquids than a dough. | | | | | | | Bavarian_Cream : a soft, sweet egg custard mixed with gelatin and whipped cream, then flavored with fruit.
Recipes ►
| | | | | |  | Bay_Leaves : a small tree of the laurel family native to Asia; produces firm leaves, which are shiny on top and dull beneath; used as
an herb, the leaves impart a lemon-nutmeg flavor and are usually removed from whatever food they are used to flavor before
the item is eaten. | | | | | | ba be bi bl bo br bu back to top | | | | | |  | Bean_Curd : soybean custard used in Oriental dishes, also known as Tofu
| | | | | | | Beat : to make a mixture
smooth and introduce air by brisk regular motion that lifts mixture over and over. To mix vigorously with a brisk motion with
spoon, fork, egg beater, or electric mixer. | | | | | |  | Béchamel : a French leading sauce made by thickening milk with a white roux and adding seasonings; also known as a cream sauce
and a white sauce. | | | | | |  | Beef : he meat of bovines (ex. cows, steers and bulls) slaughtered when older than 1 year; generally, has a dark red color,
rich flavor, interior marbling, external fat and a firm to tender texture. | | | | | |  | Beer : a mild alcoholic drink made by boiling malted barley with hops and then fermenting. | | | | | |  | Beet : a large bulbous edible root with an edible leafy green top; its color is typically garnet red but can range from
pinkish-white to deep red; also know as the garden beet, red beet and beetroot (especially in Great Britain). | | | | | |  | Beet Bull's Blood :
| | | | | | | Beignet | Bugnes | Bunuelos | | Doughnut | Fritters | Krapfen | Tempura | | | | | | | | | | | | | 
| Bell_Pepper : a large fresh sweet pepper with a bell-like shape, thick juicy flesh, a mild sweet flavor and available in various
colors, including green ( the most common), red ( a green bell pepper that has been allowed to ripen), white, brown, purple,
yellow and orange; also known as a sweet pepper, sweet bell pepper and green pepper. | | | | | |  | Beurre_Blanc : literally translated from French as "white
butter", also known as Beurre nantais is a rich, hot butter sauce made with a reduction of vinegar and/or
white wine >>>
| | | | | |  | Beurre_Maître_D'Hôtel : a
parsley butter excellent with grilled meats or fish and vegetables , especially carrots. The recipe calls for butter, minced parsley, lemon juice , salt and pepper blended. (Be wary of mincing the parsley in a blender; overblended in a blender or a processor, parsley
releases a bitter juice that spoils the food it is combined with. You can avoid overblending by cutting only a small handful
at a time in the machine). Répertoire ►
| | | | | | | Beurre_manié : thickener made by combining 2 tablespoons butter with 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour.
Form into small balls. A thick, buttery paste will result. Beurre Manie is beaten into the cooking liquid of casseroles or
soups of sauces that are too thin, or that are meant to be thickened after the cooking is almost complete.
Répertoire ► | | | | | | | Beurre Noir : (French) Butter cooked to a dark brown, then adding
capers and a dash of vinegar. Répertoire ► | | | | | | | Beurre Noisette : (French) Butter that tastes like hazelnuts,
achieved by melting butter until it turns a golden brown. Répertoire ► | | | | | | ba be bi bl bo br bu back to top | | | | | |  | Bibb_Lettuce
: a variety of butterhead lettuce with soft, pliable green leaves that have a buttery texture and flavor and are smaller
and darker than Boston lettuce leaves; also known as limestone lettuce. | | | | | |  | Bilberry : ... other names are blaeberry, whortleberry,
whinberry (or winberry), wimberry, myrtle blueberry, fraughan, and other names regionally. They were called black-hearts in
19th century southern England, >>>
| | | | | |  | Bind
: to cause a mixture to hold together by beating in an egg, sauce, or some other thickening agent. | | | | | |  |
Birthday : ... In some languages, the word for birthday
literally translates as "anniversary". Birthdays are traditionally marked by celebrations including a birthday party >>> Cakes ► | | | | | | | Biscotti : in Italian is the plural form of biscotto, which applies to
any type of biscuit, and originates from the medieval Latin word biscoctus, meaning "twice-baked" >>> Recipes ► | | | | | |  | Bisque : a thick, creamy soup usually of shellfish, but sometimes made of pureed vegetables. | | | | | |  | Bistro : A bistro,
sometimes spelled bistrot, is, in its original
Paris, France incarnation, a small restaurant serving moderately priced simple meals in a modest setting >>> | | | | | | | Bite_Size : to cut into pieces which would
easily fit into the mouth, approximately 1/2 inch. see aslo ; Amuse Bouche
| | | | | |  | Bitters : an aromatic liquid used to flavor cocktails, soft drinks, as well as soups and sweet dishes, such as ice cream. | | | | | | ba be bi bl bo br bu back to top | | | | | | | Black_Bean ; a relatively large, dried bean with black skin, cream-colored flesh and a sweet flavor; also called a turtle bean. | | | | | | | Black_Butter : butter, melted, clarified, and cooked until it is nut brown. | | | | | | | Black Cow : Root beer
float - Also known as a "black cow" or "brown cow" , the root beer float is traditionally made with vanilla ice cream and root
beer, but can also be made with other flavors. | | | | | | | Black_Eyed_Pea : the seed of a member of the pea family native to China; small and beige with a black circular eye on the curved edge
and used in southern U.S. and Chinese cuisines; also known as a cowpea (it was first planted in the United States as fodder). | | | | | |  | Blackberry : a large shiny berry with a deep purple, almost black color and a sweet flavor; also
known as a bramble berry. | | | | | |  | BlackTrumpet Mushroom : Craterellus is
a genus of generally edible fungi similar to the closely related chanterelles >>>
| | | | | |  | Blanching : to immerse food briefly into boiling water, then plunge into cold water. The process firms flesh, heightens and sets
color and flavor and loosens skin as in tomatoes intended for peeling. | | | | | | 
| Blancmanger : a sweet pudding made with milk and cornstarch flavored with almonds, vanilla, rum, or brandy. Recipes ► | | | | | | | Blend : to mix two or more ingredients
together thoroughly with a spoon, beater or blender. | | | | | |  | Blini : Russian buckwheat pancakes served with a variety of spreads, notably, sour cream and caviar. Recipes ►
| | | | | |  | Blintz : a cooked crepe stuffed with cheese or other filling. | | | | | | | Blossom : is a term given to the flowers of stone fruit
trees (Genus Prunus) and of some other plants with a similar appearance that flower profusely but for a short period of
time in the spring. >>>
| | | | | | |  | | | | | |  | Blue : Temperature,
or doneness, is a description of how thoroughly cooked a cut of meat is based on the color, juiciness and
internal temperature when served >>>
| | | | | |  | Blueberry : a small berry native to North America; has a smooth skin, blue to blue-black color, juicy light gray-blue flesh
and a sweet flavor; eaten raw, used in baked goods or made into jams and jellies. | | | | | | | Blue Cheese : A cow's milk, semisoft, blue-veined cheese with
a very strong aroma. The most common US made blue cheese is Maytag (Iowa). Similar cheeses include France's Roquefort and
Italy's Gorgonzola. Roquefort & Pear Pizza ►
| | | | | | ba be bi bl bo br bu back to top | | | | | |  | Bocconcini : are small, semi-soft, white and rindless unripened mild cheeses which originated
in Naples and were once made only from the milk of water buffaloes. >>>
| | | | | | | Body : describes a characteristic
of wines. A “full bodied” wine is rich without bitterness, when it is a good one. | | | | | |  | Boil : to cook in a liquid which has reached a temperature of 212*F (100*C), or where bubbles are rising continually and
are breaking the surface. | | | | | |  | Boiling_Water_Bath_Canning_Method : used for processing acid foods,
such as fruit, tomatoes, pickled vegetables, and sauerkraut. These acid foods are canned safely at boiling temperatures in
a water-bath canner. | | | | | |  | Bok_Choi : a member of the cabbage family native to southern China; has long wide, white crunchy stalks with tender, smooth-edged,
dark green leaves; used raw, pickled or cooked; also know as baak choy, Chinese mustard, bak choi and white mustard cabbage. | | | | | |  | Boldo : is a tree native to the central region of
Chile . Not too well known, but very tasty and nutritious, Boldo fruits, which appear between December and February, are small
green edible spheres that contain lots of sugars and aid travelers refreshing on sunny and dry days. >>>
| | | | | |  | Boletales Mushroom : Boletes are usually identified by having
a sponge-like surface under the cap, instead of the usual gills. They come in a variety of colours such as Red, White, Brown
and Grey. Many of the inedible boletes are either white or red, and these should be avoided during picking. >>>
| | | | | |  | Bologna : a large, highly seasoned sausage made from pork, beef and veal; named for Bologna,
Italy (although the Italian sausage associated with that city is mortadella), available cooked and usually served cold; also
known as baloney. | | | | | | | Bombe : A frozen dessert made by lining
a special mold with ice cream or sorbet, The center cavity is then filled with a mousse, cream or parfait mixture. The mold
is tightly sealed and the dessert is frozen solid before unmolding and serving. A Bombe
glacée or simply a Bombe in English, is an ice-cream dessert frozen in a spherical mould, hence the
name. Escoffier gives over sixty recipes for bombes in Le Guide culinaire. Répertoire ►
| | | | | |  | Bon_Appetit : French for
enjoy your meal -- literally good appetite | | | | | |  | Bonbon : a sweet made of or dipped into fondant | | | | | | | Bone_in : a cut of
meat containing the bone. | | | | | |  | Boned.
to : to remove bones. | | | | | |  | Boniato : Sweet potato | | | | | |  | Bonito : More generally, bonito can
refer to any of various scombroid fishes related to but smaller than tuna. >>>
| | | | | | | Bonito Flakes : In Japanese cuisine outside Japan, "bonito"
usually refers to the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), which is known as katsuo in Japan. This fish is
smoked and dried to make katsuobushi, an important ingredient in making dashi (Japanese fish stock) >>>
| | | | | | | Bon_Vivant :
| | | | | | | Borage Leaf
/ Borage Flower : Traditionally
borage was cultivated for culinary and medicinal uses, although today commercial cultivation is mainly as an oilseed >>>
| | | | | | | 
| | | | | |  | Borscht : soup containing beets and other vegetables; it is usually made with a meat stock base. | | | | | |  | Boston_Baked_Beans : An American bean dish often made in a crock.
These are small white beans (navy or pea beans) cooked with salt pork and sweetener such as molasses, maple syrup or brown
sugar. see also : Original Boston Baked Beans | | | | | |  | Boston_Lettuce
: a variety of butterhead lettuce with soft, pliable pale green leaves that have a buttery texture and flavor and are
larger and paler than bibb lettuce leaves. | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | Bouchon : A cork stopper see also :
Type of Restaurant from Lyon, France | | | | | |  | Tire Bouchon : Corkscrew
| | | | | |  | Boudin / Blood_Sausage : describes a number of different
types of sausage used in French, Belgian, French Canadian, Creole and Cajun cuisine. | | | | | |  | Bouillabaisse : a highly seasoned fish soup or chowder containing two or more kinds of fish.
Répertoire ►
| | | | | |  | Bouillon : clear delicately seasoned soup usually made from lean beef stock. | | | | | |  | Bouquet : aroma, a term used to describe the fragrance of wines and other foods. | | | | | |  | Bouquet_Garni : a combination of herbs tied in cheese-cloth which are used to flavor stocks and stews and removed before serving. | | | | | | | Bourbon : Named for Bourbon County, Kentucky, this all-American liquor is distilled from fermented grain. Straight bourbon is distilled
from a "mash" of at least 51 percent corn; blended bourbon must contain not less than 51 percent straight bourbon.
Sour mash bourbon is made by adding a portion of the old mash to help ferment each new batch, in the same way that a portion
of sourdough starter is the genesis of each new batch of sourdough bread. | | | | | |  | Bourdaloue : Louis Bourdaloue
(August 20, 1632 - May 13, 1704), French Jesuit and preacher, was born in Bourges. France The Pastry of the same name | | | | | |  | Bourguignon : name applied to dishes containing Burgundy and often braised onions and mushrooms. | | | | | |  | Boutique : Retail Shop
| | | | | |  | Bowl: a round vessel used for preparing and serving foods, especially those with a liquid or semiliquid texture. | | | | | | | Boysenberry : a blackberry, raspberry and loganberry hybrid named for its progenitor, horticulturist Rudolph Boysen; shaped like
a large raspberry; has a purple-red color and a rich, sweet, tart flavor. Choose boysenberries that are firm and uniform in
size. Discard shriveled or moldy berries. Do not wash until ready to use, and store (preferably in a single layer) in a moistureproof
container in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days. | | | | | | ba be bi bl bo br bu back to top | | | | | |  | Bracken :
fiddleheads (the immature, tightly curled emerging fronds) have been considered edible
by many cultures throughout history, and are still commonly used today as a foodstuff. Bracken fiddleheads are either consumed
fresh (and cooked) or preserved by salting, pickling, or sun drying. In Korea, where they are called gosari
, they are a typical ingredient in the mixed rice dish called bibimbap. Both fronds and rhizomes have been used to brew beer, and the rhizome starch has been used as a
substitute for arrowroot. Bread can be made out of dried and powered rhizomes alone or with other flour. American Indians
cooked the rhizomes, then peeled and ate them or pounded the starchy fiber into flour. In Japan, starch from the rhizomes
is used to make confections. Warabi Mochi ► | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | Braising : to cook meat by searing in fat, then simmering in a covered dish in small amount of moisture. | | | | | |  | Bran : the tough, outer covering of the endosperm of various types of grain kernels; has a high fiber and B vitamin content
and is usually removed during milling; used to enrich baked goods and as a cereal and nutrient supplement. | | | | | | | Brasserie : In France,
a brasserie is a café doubling as a restaurant with a relaxed setting, which serves single dishes and other meals. It can be expected to have professional
service and printed menus (unlike a bistro which may have neither), but more informal eating hours than a full-fledged restaurant. Typically, a brasserie is open every
day of the week and the same menu is served all day. The word 'brasserie'
is also French for brewery and, by extension, "the brewing business ". | | | | | | |  | | | | | | | Bratwurst : a fresh German sausage made from pork and veal, seasoned with ginger, nutmeg and coriander or caraway seeds.
| | | | | | |  | | | | | |  | Brazilnut : Despite their name, the most significant
exporter of Brazil nuts is not Brazil but Bolivia, where they are called almendras. In Brazil these nuts are called
castanhas-do-Pará (literally "chestnuts from Pará - a State from Brazil)
| | | | | |  | Bread : 1. A food baked from a dough or batter made with flour or meal, water or other liquids and a leavener.
| | | | | |  | Breading : 2. To coat a food with flour, beaten eggs and bread crumbs or cracker crumbs before cooking. | | | | | |  | Breakfast : is the first meal of the day. The word came about because it means breaking the fast
after one has not eaten (fasted) since the night before. | | | | | |
| Brine : a solution of salt and water used in pickling. Brine draws natural sugars and moisture from foods and forms lactic acids
which protects them against spoilage. Usually the strongest brine used in food processing is a 10% solution, made by dissolving
1.5 cups of salt in 1 gallon of liquid, or 6 tablespoons of salt for each quart of liquid. | | | | | |
| Brining : is a process similar to marination in which meat is soaked in
a salt solution (the brine) before cooking. | | | | | |  | Brioche : a yeast-raised cake baked to a rich brown usually circular in shape, with a smaller round on top. It is different from
other raised doughs in that eggs are added, giving it a characteristic golden tinge, also it is raised in the refrigerator
overnight. Recipe ►
| | | | | |  | Broccoflower : a light green cauliflower that is a cross between broccoli and cauliflower, with a milder flavor than either vegetable. | | | | | |  | Broccoli : talian for cabbage sprout and used to describe a member of the cabbage family with a tight cluster (called a curd) of emerald
green florets on top of a stout, paler green edible stalk with dark green leaves. | | | | | |  | Broccolini : A natural hybrid of the cabbage family ,
it was developed by the Sakata Seed Company of Yokohama, Japan. Broccolini's flavor is sweet, with notes of both broccoli
and asparagus. | | | | | |  | Brochette
/ Kebob / Skewer / Yakitori : en brochette refers to food cooked, and sometimes
served, on brochettes, or skewers. The French term generally applies to French cuisine, while other terms like shish kebab, satay, or souvlaki describe the same technique in other cuisines. Food served en brochette is generally grilled. | | | | | |  | Broil : to cook the food by placing it a measured distance below direct, dry
heat. Most ovens have a broiler section that is used to cook meats, fish and poultry or melt or brown foods. | | | | | |
| Broth : a thin soup, or a liquid in which meat, fish, of vegetables have been cooked. | | | | | | | Brown : to produce a brown surface on a food by use of relatively high heat for a brief period of time, giving the food an
appetizing color and a richer flavor, keeping the interior moist by sealing in the natural juices. | | | | | |  | Brown_Butter : Beurre Noisette :French: literally, "hazelnut butter",
sometimes loosely translated as "brown butter
| | | | | |  | Brown_Sugar : soft, refined sugar with a coating of molasses; can be dark or light, coarse or fine. | | | | | |
| Brownie : a cake-like bar cookie, usually made with chocolate and garnished with nuts. Recipe ►
| | | | | | | Bruise : o partially crush an
ingredient, such as herbs, to release flavor for seasoning food. | | | | | |  | Brunoise : finely diced or shredded vegetables, usually cooked in butter or stock, and used to flavor soups and sauces. | | | | | |  | Brunch : Brunch or bruncheon is a combination of breakfast
and lunch Menu ►
| | | | | |  | Brussel Sprouts : The Brussels (or brussels)
sprout is cultivated for its small (typically 2.5–4 cm
or 1–1.5 in diameter) leafy green buds, which resemble miniature cabbages. Brussels sprouts as we now know them were grown possibly
as early as the 1200s in what is now Belgium. >>> | | | | | | ba be bi bl bo br bu
back to top | | | | | |  | Buche_de_Noel : "Yule log" is a traditional dessert served during the Christmas
holidays in France, Belgium, Quebec, Lebanon and several other Christian-populated francophone countries. >>> Samples ► | | | | | |  | Bugnes : Crunchy bugnes, or "bugnes lyonnaises",
cooked in very hot oil, with the dough spread out thinly and knotted once or twice | | | | | |
| Buffet : Buffets are offered at various places including hotels, casinos, cruise ships,
and at church and social events. | | | | | | | Bulgur : Whole wheat which has been boiled until tender and
the husk is about to crack open, then dried. It is a common ingredient in Arabic (burghul), Turkish (bulgur), and Cypriot
(pourgouri) cooking. You can buy it coarse or fine ground in most middle-eastern grocery stores. | | | | | | | Buñuelos : Fried sweet puffs that can be glazed with brown
sugar-maple syrup or sprinkled with cinnamon-sugar. | | | | | |  | Burdock : The taproot of young burdock plants can be
harvested and eaten as a root vegetable. While generally out of favor in modern European cuisine,
it remains popular in Asia, particularly in Japan where A. lappa (Greater burdock) is called gobō.
Plants are cultivated for their slender roots, which can grow about 1 metre long and 2 cm across.
Burdock root is very crisp and has a sweet, mild, and pungent flavor with a little muddy harshness that can be reduced by
soaking julienne/shredded roots in water for five to ten minutes. | | | | | |  | Burrito : Flour tortilla filled with refried beans and chile sauce, ground beef and
chile sauce, or a combination of both, and rolled. | | | | | |  | Busser_/_Busboy : (American term)
Busboys work in the restaurant and cateringwaiting staff.[ industry
clearing dirty dishes, taking the dirty dishes to the dishwasher, setting tables, and otherwise assisting the waiting staff.
| | | | | |
| Bruschetta : is a food whose origin dates to at least the 15th century from central Italy.
It consists of grilled bread rubbed with garlic and topped with extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper >>>
| | | | | |  | Butler (Majordome ) : is a senior servant in a large household. In the great houses of the past,
the household was sometimes divided into departments with the butler in charge of the dining room, wine cellar, and pantries.
Some also have charge of the entire parlour floor, and housekeepers caring for the entire house and its appearance. >>>
| | | | | |  | Butter : a fatty substance produced by agitating or churning cream; contains at least 80% milkfat, not more than 16% water and 2
to 4% milk solids; melts into a liquid at approx. 98*F (38*C) and reaches the smoke point at 260*F (127*C). | | | | | |
| Butterflying : to cut food almost in half so that when flattened the two halves resemble butterfly wings. | | | | | | |  | | | | | | | Buttermilk : 1. Fresh, pasteurized skim or lowfat cow's milk cultured (soured) with Streptococcus lactis bacteria; also
known as cultured buttermilk.
2. Traditionally, the liquid remaining after the cream was churned into butter. | | | | | |  | Butternut_Squash : a large, elongated pear-shaped squash (Caryoka nuciferum) with a smooth yellow to butterscotch-colored shell,
an orange flesh and a sweet, nutty flavor. | | | | | |  | Butterscotch : 1. A flavor derived from brown sugar and butter, used for cookies, candies, sauces and the like. Sauces ► Candy ►
2. A hard candy with the flavor of butterscotch | | | | | |  | Button Mushroom : Agaricus bisporus, known as table mushroom, portobello mushroom,
cultivated mushroom or button mushroom | | | | | | _______________ | ____________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
| | Spices / Herbs |  | Fruits |
| Beans / Seeds |
| Lettuces |  | Vegetables |  | Beverages |  | |