WELCOMEINDEXCOOKIESCAKES, mixes & layersCHOCOLATEcreams mousses puddingsDOUGHSIce Creams Sorbets ..Sauces SyrupsSAVORIESDRINKS

DOUGHS  with OR without  YEAST

FocacciaPain_au_LaitDanishes SavarinsGingerbread
PizzaPain_de_Mie  Scones
Steam_BunsBlinis   Pancakes
 Pannettone   Waffles
| FOCACCIA 1 2 3 4 5  | Pizza | Steamed Buns |

  FOCACCIA  1  2  3  4   5

 2   packages of dry yeast
 2  cups  Tepid Water
 2  tbsp  Sugar
 4  tbsp  Olive Oil
 1/2 cup  salad oil
 1  tsp  Salt
 5 1/2 cups  Flour

Dissolve yeast in water.

Add salt  sugar and oils.

Mix in 3 cups of flour.

Whip for about 10 minutes.

Add remaining flour and knead until smooth.

Allow dough to rise twice then shape.


 3  cloves  garlic , crushed
 1/4  cup  olive oil
 1  tbsp  rosemary
 1  tbsp  malden sea salt

Let dough rise for about 30 minutes.

Mix garlic and olive oilthen brush top of dough.

Sprinkle with salt and rosemary.

Bake at 375ºF for 30 minutes

  | FOCACCIA 1 2 3 4 5  | Pizza | Steamed Buns |

FOCACCIA  1  2  3   4   5

 400 gm 
 AP Flour
 32  gm  fresh Yeast
 250  gm  Water (warm)
 100  gm  Olive Oil
 400  gm  AP Flour
   more warmwater
   Crushed Fennel seeds
| FOCACCIA 1 2 3 4 5  | Pizza | Steamed Buns |
  FOCACCIA  1  2  3 (with a levain)  4   5
 250  grs  AP flour
 ¼  liter  water
 25  grs  fresh yeast
 3.500 Kg flour
 80  gm  yeast
 2  Qt  water
 115  gm  salt
 80  gm


| FOCACCIA 1 2 3 4 5  | Pizza | Steamed Buns |

FOCACCIA  1  2  3  4  (Michel  St Barth's)   5


| FOCACCIA 1 2 3 4 5  | Pizza | Steamed Buns |
FOCACCIA  1  2  3  4   5  (Dunes , Bahamas)
 tsp Dry Yeast
 1400 gr Warm water
 4.25 lb Flour
 100 gr Sugar
 40 gr Salt
 200 gr Olive oil

    Mix yeast and water in a warm bowl .

    Let rest for 5 minutes .

    Add flour and mix . The dough should be soft .

    Slowly pour 50 ml olive oil and the sugar . Mix for 5 minutes .

    Cover with a cloth and let rise for 1 hour .

    Roll out the dough on a lightly oil sheet pan .

    Let rise for 30 minutes .

    Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and salt .

    Drizzle with a little olive oil and bake for 30  inutes at 350 F until brown .

    Serve warm .

| FOCACCIA 1 2 3 4 5  | Pizza | Steamed Buns |

 Pizza Dough


Mark     Nevet

 1  lb farina flour
 9  lb all purpose flour
 400  gr yeast
 120  gr salt
 400  gr olive oil 
 3270  gm All purpose Flour
 40  gm Sea Salt
 190 gm Olive Oil
 1242 gm Cold Water
 137 gm Fresh Yeast
 415 gm Warm Water (110 F)
  1.  Dissolve the yeast and honey in the WARM water (110°) and let proof for 10 minutes.
  2. Place flour and salt in mixer with dough hook.
  3. With the motor running add the olive oil, the yeast mixture and the cold water.
  4. Set timer for 13 minutes and allow the dough to mix until the it forms a ball.
  5. Divide dough and roll into two large balls with a smooth surface, place each half into a lightly oiled 13qt mixing bowl cover with plastic and proof overnight in the walk-in.
  6. Portion dough into 3oz balls.  Roll each piece into a smooth tight ball. Place on a sheet pan that has been lightly sprayed with PAM, cover and refrigerate

 MARK        Nevet

 2500 gr Farine T45
 65 gr Sucre
 65 gr Sel fin
 3.5 gr Levure sèche
 2 litre Eau froide
  pour 22 boules de pâte de 155 gr

Mark       NEVET 

Levure de bière
Sel fin
Huile d'olive
 3  Oeufs
| FOCACCIA 1 2 3 4 5  | Pizza | Steamed Buns |
 2 1/2 cups  Flour
 3 1/2 tsp  Baking powder
 3  tbsp  Sugar
 2  tbsp  Lard, softened
 1/2 cup  Warm Water
 1/2 tsp  Vinegar
