Raspberry Rose BUTTER CREAM Yield
: 2 large sheet trays - ½ cup Corn Syrup - 1 lb
Sugar - 1 cup (8) Egg whites - 2 lbs
Butter - 4 tsp Rose Water - 500 gm Raspberry Jam
+ 500 gm Pastry Cream
BUTTERCREAM Cook corn syrup, sugar and water up to 121C In mixer start eggs whites on 2nd speed When sugar is about ready, turn mixer onto 3rd speed Gently pour sugar over beating whites Let work until lukewarm Add diced cold butter to the still running meringue (Swiss) and let turn intil well homogenized Add the Rose Water
MOUSSELINE Add the Raspberry Jam to the cold pastry cream, using a whisk.
Combine very well. Add the pastry cream to the butter cream.
Combine well. The mousseline is now ready
to be used .