16 B
1/2 SUGAR / Amount of WATER - 1 Liter Water - 500 gm Sugar Can be also
used for punching (call so when adding liquor) cakes Usually used as a poaching syrup (Pineapple , pears, Peaches... (keep poached items infridge , covered_ Proceed same as Simple Syrup If used as
a sweetener for sorbets , it can be a vehicle to bring some extra flavors (infusing herbs , teas , or citrus rinds , vanilla
,lemongrass, ginger , etc...) __ this syrup will mostly be used for sorbets with a strong
alcohol content. (Calvados / vodka ..etc.) The
sugar is used as a stabilizer in many different ways.
In the case of Ice-creams and Sorbets, it prevents the icyness by providing a smooth texture to the frozen product,
and prevent it as well from becoming to hard. But the needed amount could overtake control on the desired result. __TIP__
It is sometimes better and more acceptable to the palate to reduce the sweetness by substituing the regular sugar by an
inverted one. This inverted sugar will give a more pleasant texture to the product . On the top of the list of the ones everyone knows are:
This one will caracterize the preparation .
It spouses well with flavors like :
licorice / any yellow vegetable (pumpkin / sweet potato ) / gingerbread and more |