|  | 5 cups sugar candied orange zests 15 Granny Smith
apples Before everything : a- Peel 2 oranges, trying to obtain nice strips of rinds. b-
Cut the rinds into a very thin julienne c- Bring some water to
a boil and drop in the julienne, bring back to the boil and let simmer for 1 minute. d-
Strain the julienne from hot water and rinse under cold water until totally cold. e-
Finally, put this julienne in a casserole, just cover with cold water and add the same amount of sugar than water (if
you already have some simple syrup prepared, just use that) f- Bring julienne
and syrup to the boil, let simmer for 5 minutes and alow top cool before using. |
| 1.
Melt 1 cup of the sugar with 1/4 cup of light corn syrup in a sauté pan over medium-heat, until it turns
golden brown (caramel) . Immediately pour it into a standard 1 ½ quart charlotte mold, swirl it around so that
it coats the bottom, and set it aside. It will harden while you prepare the apples and oranges. |
2. Peel the apples, then halve and core them. Cut them by hand or mandoline into slices about 1/8-inch
thick; keep the slices neatly stacked if you can. |
going for as least 20 layers or more Every time repeat the sugar and zest operation Don't be afraid
to put sugar because it is playing a very important role. This will make the apples render a lot of their
water . It also will prevent them from turning into mushed but candied instead . The
obtained syrup will be used for the making of the sorbet | 4.
When you get to the top of the pan, keep the lines straight and continue to build layers beyond the top, going about 3
or 4 inches above the pan. Place the finished cake in a shallow
tray Cover the tray in aluminum foil or Plastic wrap. -it will drip--and
refrigerate at least overnight, 10 to 12 hours |
| 5.
Drain the juice from the tray (as said above, you may reserve it for sorbet or other uses), then unwrap the pan. Drain the excess
liquid, then wrap it in a double layer of aluminum foil. Place the pan in a large, deep roasting
pan, and fill the roasting pan with water halfway up its sides. Bake at 275 F for at least 6
hours, then check: the confit is done when all the apple slices are dark brown, it has shrunk to fill only about 3/4 of
the mold, and a thin-bladed knife pierces it easily. Cooking time is usually between 6 and 7 hours.
| 6. Unwrap the confit, cool, then chill
for several hours or up to two days. Slice thinly and serve. |
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Sableuse Cake |
SABLEUSE - 660 gm(34) egg yolks - 2 whole eggs - 1 kg sugar - 1 kg butter - 300 gm all purpose flour - 300 gm corn starch -Whip yolks ans sugar until butter is melting -Add melted butter - Then add flour and cornstarch, sifted together - Share the mix in cake pans - 2 inch thick - Wrap the pans in aluminum foil
- Bake at 315F for about 35 to 45 min - Let cool and refrigerate before slicing |