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 more with Figs

Figs , Buttercookie Brittle

Figs with Port & Cumin Ice cream

Figuring Fig

Fig Tart
  | Pistachio Frangipane | Making the Tarts | Concorde Grape Sorbet |

    - 1 lb Butter

    - 1 lb 10 X

    - 1 lb Blanched almond flour

    - 150 gm Pistachio Paste

    - 10 Eggs


   - Cream the butter in the microwave fro 30 to 40 seconds and put in mixing bowl and add the pistachio paste

   - Cover with the 10 X then then the almond flour .

   - Add the eggs (cold straight from cooler)

   - Turn on 1st speed for 15 seconds then 2nd speed for 10 second, then 3rd speed for 15 seconds.

  - Finally come back to 2nd speed until the mix becomes light and fluffy. This will take less than 5 minutes.


    - Disc of Puff Pastry

    - 5 figs cut in halves


  - Pre-cut the puff pastry and keep it frozen.

  - When needed dispose the dough circle onto a perforated baking sheet, lightly sprayed with butter spray.

  - Pipe some frangipane in a circular motion from the center until 1 inch from the edges of the dough.

  - Macerate the cut figs with some cinnamon sugar , a squeeze of orange juice and splash of good port . Toss well , gently and repeatedly until the sugar form a syrup and the figs become wet and shiny.


At 325ºF for about 30 minutes


       -  5 qt Fresh Concorde Grapes juice (1 case)

        - 1 qt Sorbet Syrup

             - 675 gm sugar

             - 500 gm water

             - 75 gm light corn syrup

             - 175 gm sugar

             - 3 gm Agar agar

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