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HONEY Ice cream

 more with Figs

Figs , Buttercookie Brittle

Figs with Port & Cumin Ice cream

Figuring Fig

Fig Tart

| Pâte Sucrée | Nougatine | Honey Ice cream | Figs |



    -750 gm AP Flour

    - 150 gm Blanched Almopnd Flour

    - 150 gm Confectioners Sugar

    - 600 gm Softened Butter


   Mix all and make dough.

   Roll out to 2mm thick on parchment paper and bake for 15 minutes at 325 F. let cool  completely before grinding very thin .


    - 250 gm Sugar

    - 50 gm Water

    - 250 gm Pate Sucrée crumbled and sifted


   Cook until blond caramel . Add pate sucrée .

   Stir well and pour onto a silpat .

   Knead the mix with a spatula until slightly cooled .

   Divide into 3 and put into oven and make pliable every time as needed .

   Spread each portion netween two silpat paper thin .

   Allow to cool then remove  top silpat  . put back in oven for a few seconds then cut to desire shape and size .

   When cool remove from silpat with spatula .


    - 1 quart heavy cream

    - 1 quart milk

    - 600 gm Honey

     - 5 tbsp Cumin seeds

    - 15 egg yolks

    - 1 cup Sugar


   Bring honey and cumin (previously lightly toasted) to a boil and infuse .

   Boil milk and cream then strain honey over mix .

   Bring back to a boil .

   Whip eggs and sugar then temper with cream mix then make crème anglaise .

   Allow to cool completely and store in fridge for at least 6 hours .



    - 12 Figs

    - 1 cup Apple cider vinegar

    - 1 cup water

   Boil 1 quart water and pour over figs in a bowl then strain immediately . 

   Bring 1 cup vinegar and water to a boil . Add figs . Cover and let simmer for 15 minutes .

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