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more Rhubarb Desserts

Rhubarb Cobbler

Rhubarb Crumble

Rhubarb Floating Island 

Rhubarb Lychee Trifle

Rhubarb Sundae

Rhubarb Tart

| Rhubarb Compote | Crumble | Rhubarb Ice cream |


- 2400 gm Rhubarb

- 1500 gm Sugar

- 3 Vanilla Beans

- 200 gm Water

- 120 gm Grenadine Syrup


 Cut the rhubarb into 1/2 inch slices

 Dispose the cut rhubarb into an hotel pan

 Add all the ingredients and toss well.

 Bake in 325ºF oven just cover for about 15 min (more or less) until the rhubarb still remains al dente (little crunchy).

 Let cool completely before garnishing the cast iron serving dishes.

 Add cut fresh strawberries

Cover with the crumble 

Flash in 325ºF oven for about 10 minures.



  - 450 gm AP Flour

  - 450 gm Light Brown Sugar

  - 450 gm Butter (cold diced)

  - 3 tsp Cinnamon Powder

  - 1 1/2 tsp Nutmeg (grated fresh)

  - 1 pinch of salt

   - 450 gm Oats

  - 150 gm Sliced Almonds


  In mixing bowl, using the paddle attachment, combine the six (6) first ingredients until sand (sable) texture .

 Finally add the the Oats and Almonds by hand .

 Keep refrigerated until needed



   - 500 gm butter 

   - 2 Kg sugar

   - 6 orange zests

   - 3 vanilla beans


   - 50 eggs


   - 2 Lbs yogurt (lowfat)

   - 3 liter Rhubarb juice

   - red food color (if necessary)

   - ¼ cup grenadine (optional)


 –Melt butter and sugar together

 –Add orange zest, remove from flame

 –Add the eggs (beaten into omelet)

 –Stir energetically

 –Cook over low heat stir, constantly

until mix covers back of spoon

–Immediately add yogurt, rhubarb juice 

 - Let cool completely before spinning
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